
2023-02-18 00:00:00 删除 邮件 恢复


We’ve all experienced the stomach drop that happens when you accidentally delete something. That’s why we’re big fans of backing things up, whether you’re on a PC, a Mac, Android, or iPhone. You can back up your Outlook .pst file like any other file—and you should, even if that means moving it from its default location—but that won’t help you recover an email that you just deleted accidentally.

当您不小心删除某些内容时,我们都经历了胃部下降的情况。 因此,无论您使用的是PC , Mac , Android还是iPhone ,我们都非常支持备份。 您可以像备份其他任何文件一样备份Outlook .pst文件-即使这意味着将其从默认位置移出 ,也应该备份该文件-但这不会帮助您恢复意外删除的电子邮件。

Luckily, there’s a good chance you can recover your mistakenly deleted item if you’re using Microsoft Exchange Server as your mail server. (If you’re not, and you’re using a web-based mail address like Gmail or Yahoo! mail, your best option is to log into the web interface for your email and search there.)

幸运的是,如果您使用Microsoft Exchange Server作为邮件服务器,很有可能可以恢复误删除的邮件。 (如果不是,并且您使用的是基于网络的邮件地址,例如Gmail或Yahoo!邮件,则最好的选择是登录电子邮件的网络界面并在其中进行搜索。)

软删除和硬删除之间的区别 (The Difference Between a Soft and Hard Delete)

When you “soft delete” an email, by selecting it and either using “Delete” on your keyboard or clicking the “Delete” option in Outlook, the message is sent to the Deleted Items folder. It will generally stay in the Deleted Items folder until you empty the folder (although your company administrators may have changed this to empty your Deleted Items folder automatically on a regular basis). Emptying the Deleted Items folder is known as a “hard delete” because it deletes the message from Outlook on your computer entirely. You can also “hard delete” a message from any folder in Outlook by using SHIFT+Delete on your keyboard, which deletes it without sending it to the Deleted Items folder.

当您“软删除”电子邮件时,通过选择它并使用键盘上的“删除”或单击Outlook中的“删除”选项,该邮件将发送到“已删除邮件”文件夹。 通常,它将保留在“已删除邮件”文件夹中,直到清空该文件夹为止(尽管公司管理员可能已将其更改为定期自动清空“已删除邮件”文件夹)。 清空“已删除邮件”文件夹被称为“硬删除”,因为它会从计算机上的Outlook中完全删除邮件。 您还可以通过使用键盘上的SHIFT + Delete从Outlook中的任何文件夹中“硬删除”邮件,这将删除该邮件而不将其发送到Deleted Items文件夹中。

If you’ve soft-deleted a message by accident, go to the Deleted Items folder, find the message, and move it back to the folder from which you deleted it. If you’ve hard-deleted a message, you’ll need to use the “Recover Deleted Items” tool.

如果您无意间软删除了一条消息,请转至“已删除邮件”文件夹,找到该消息,然后将其移回到删除它的文件夹中。 如果您已硬删除邮件,则需要使用“恢复已删除邮件”工具。

如何恢复硬删除的邮件 (How to Recover Hard-Deleted Messages)

When an email is “hard-deleted,” it is moved to a hidden “Recoverable Items” folder in Exchange. By default, the retention period for these deleted emails is 14 days. This means that for 14 days after you’ve “hard deleted” something from Outlook, it will sit in the “Recoverable Items” folder before being permanently deleted (and being completely unrecoverable). So unless your email administrator has changed the default, you’ve got 14 days to use Outlook’s “Recover Deleted Items” tool to get your accidentally deleted email back.

当电子邮件被“硬删除”时,它将被移动到Exchange中隐藏的“可恢复的邮件”文件夹中。 默认情况下,这些已删除电子邮件的保留期为14天 。 这意味着在您从Outlook中“硬删除”某项内容后的14天内,该文件将位于“可恢复的项目”文件夹中,然后被永久删除(并且完全无法恢复)。 因此,除非您的电子邮件管理员更改了默认设置,否则您将有14天的时间使用Outlook的“恢复已删除邮件”工具来找回意外删除的电子邮件。

You can access this tool in one of three different places:


Select the Deleted Items and look at the top of the folder pane for the “Recover items recently removed from this folder” option.



Head to Home > Recover Deleted Items from Server.



Head to Folder > Recover Deleted Items.



All of these options launch the same Recover Deleted Items tool, which displays a list of items in the Recoverable Items folder.



To recover a deleted item, select it, make sure “Restore Selected Items” is switched on, and then click “OK.”



The item will be moved back to the Deleted Item folder, where you can then move it back to whichever folder you like.

该项目将被移回到Deleted Item文件夹,然后您可以在其中将其移回到您喜欢的任何文件夹。

You can recover multiple items from the Recover Deleted Items tool by holding down the Control key while selecting the emails you want to recover. If there’s a whole block of emails, you want to recover, select the first mail, then hold down the Shift key and click the mail at the end of the block to select them all. You’ve also got a “Select All” button if you want to recover all of the emails. If you’ve selected a lot of emails, it can take a little while for them to recover, as they need to be moved from the Recovered Items folder back to your Deleted Items folder.

您可以通过在选择要恢复的电子邮件的同时按住Control键,从“恢复已删除邮件”工具中恢复多个项目。 如果有一整封电子邮件,您要恢复,请选择第一封邮件,然后按住Shift键并单击邮件末尾的邮件以全部选择。 如果您想恢复所有电子邮件,则还有一个“全选”按钮。 如果您选择了很多电子邮件,它们可能需要一些时间才能恢复,因为它们需要从“已恢复邮件”文件夹移回到“已删除邮件”文件夹。

You can also purge emails from here as well. Select items you want to delete permanently, switch “Purge Selected Items” on, and then click “OK.”

您也可以从此处清除电子邮件。 选择要永久删除的项目,打开“清除所选项目”,然后单击“确定”。


A warning message will be displayed, which you need to take note of, because if you click “OK” the items you’ve selected will be deleted, with no way to recover them.



This is a serious warning—purging an item deletes it from Exchange, and it’s gone forever. There’s usually no reason to purge your email, so if you’re in any doubt, don’t use the Purge option.

这是一个严重的警告-清除项目将从Exchange中删除它,并且永远消失了。 通常没有理由清除电子邮件,因此,如果您有任何疑问,请不要使用“清除”选项。

If you’ve deleted something accidentally, and you can’t find it using the Recover Deleted Items tool, do nothing else and call your tech support team immediately.  They might have tools that can get your email back, but be warned: they might not.  So don’t forget to back up regularly!

如果您不小心删除了某些内容,而使用“恢复已删除邮件”工具找不到该内容,则别无所求,并立即致电您的技术支持团队。 他们可能拥有可以取回您的电子邮件的工具,但被警告:他们可能没有。 因此,不要忘记定期备份!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396486/how-to-recover-deleted-items-from-outlook/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culul01313/article/details/108833238
