chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知

2023-02-17 00:00:00 管理 权限 通知

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

chrome 通知权限管理

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

Webapps have come a long way. Thanks to features like notifications, they can even replace traditional desktop apps for many people. But if you’d rather not be bombarded by notifications, though, here’s how to manage Chrome’s notifications (and block them from certain apps).

Webapp已经走了很长一段路。 借助通知之类的功能,它们甚至可以代替许多人的传统桌面应用程序。 但是,如果您不希望被通知轰炸,则可以通过以下方法来管理Chrome的通知(并阻止它们进入某些应用程序)。

Before we jump in, all of these settings should be identical in Chrome on PCs, as well as on Chromebooks. I’m using a Chromebook Flip C302 for this tutorial, but you shouldn’t have any issues following along. The only time things will look different is if you’ve enabled Chrome’s Material Design Settings page, though most options should still be found in the same place.

在我们进入之前,所有这些设置在PC上的Chrome和Chromebook上都应该相同。 我在本教程中使用的是Chromebook Flip C302,但是接下来您应该不会有任何问题。 唯一不同的是,如果您启用了Chrome的“材料设计设置”页面,尽管大多数选项仍应位于同一位置。

You have two options: you can take a blanket approach and control notifications for all websites, or manage them site-by-site.


如何控制所有网站的通知 (How to Control Notifications for All Websites)

If you’re looking silence all of Chrome’s notifications, this is where you’ll do it. You can easily block all notifications, allow all notifications, or ask for each one with this setting.

如果您希望所有Chrome的通知保持沉默,请在此处进行操作。 您可以使用此设置轻松阻止所有通知,允许所有通知或要求每个通知。

First, click the three-button overflow menu in the top right corner of the Chrome window.


《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

From there, scroll down to “Settings” and click on it.


《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

At the very bottom of this page, there’s a link that reads “Show Advanced Settings.” Click this to, um, show advanced settings.

在此页面的最底部,有一个链接显示为“显示高级设置”。 单击此按钮以显示高级设置。

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

One of the first sections in the Advanced Settings menu is “Privacy.” Under this subhead there are several options, but you’ll want to click the “Content Settings” box.

“高级设置”菜单中的第一部分是“隐私”。 在此子标题下有多个选项,但您需要单击“内容设置”框。

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

Scroll down in this section until you see the “Notifications” subhead. There are three options here:

在此部分中向下滚动,直到看到“ Notifications”子标题。 这里有三个选项:

  • All all sites to show notifications


  • Ask when a site wants to show notifications


  • Do not allow any site to show notifications


Pick your poison. Your browser will need to restart for the changes to take affect, but after that you should experience notifications bliss.

选择你的毒药。 您的浏览器将需要重新启动以使更改生效,但是此后您将体验到通知的幸福。

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

如何管理特定网站的通知 (How to Manage Notifications for Specific Websites)

If you’ve accidentally granted notification access to a website that you don’t want notifications from (or the opposite), you can also manage each site individually.


With the website in question open, click on the little “i” circle on the far left side of the address bar. On secure websites, this will actually read “Secure” instead of showing the “i”—it works the same though.

打开相关网站后,单击地址栏最左侧的小“ i”圆圈。 在安全的网站上,它实际上将显示为“安全”,而不显示“ i”,尽管其工作原理相同。

《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》
《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

Scroll down to the “Notifications” section and click the dropdown box. Three options will again be present:

向下滚动到“通知”部分,然后单击下拉框。 再次出现三个选项:

  • Use global default


  • Always allow on this site


  • Always block on this site


《chrome 通知权限管理_如何在Chrome浏览器中阻止或管理通知》

Bam—pick your preferred action and call it a day.


You’ll need to refresh the page for the effect to take place, but that’s the extent of it. Your work here is done.

您需要刷新页面以使效果生效,但这就是它的范围。 您的工作已经完成。

Web notifications are both a blessing and a curse. For example, when I’m on my Chromebook, I want the Slack web app to send notifications so I don’t miss any important work-related info. But I never, under any circumstances, want Facebook to push notifications on me. Thanks to these simple settings, I can easily tweak these things to my liking.

网络通知既是福也是祸。 例如,当我使用Chromebook时,我希望Slack网络应用发送通知,这样我就不会错过任何与工作相关的重要信息。 但无论如何,我从不希望Facebook向我发送通知。 通过这些简单的设置,我可以轻松调整自己喜欢的这些东西。


chrome 通知权限管理

