
2023-01-02 00:00:00 多个 添加 单元格

If you’ve already entered a number in a cell, or a group of cells, what’s a quick way to add something to that amount? Here’s how you can add number to multiple cells in Excel.

如果您已经在一个单元格或一组单元格中输入了数字,那么添加某种数量的快速方法是什么? 这是在Excel中将数字添加到多个单元格的方法。

每日待办事项清单 (Daily To Do List)

In this example, I keep track of my To Do list in a workbook, and one of my items is “Daily Admin tasks”. Sometimes, I start the day by answering client emails, posting links to my latest blog post, and doing the accounting for the previous day’s sales.

在此示例中,我跟踪工作簿中的“待办事项”列表,其中一项是“日常管理任务”。 有时候,我通过回复客户电子邮件,发布指向我最新博客文章的链接并进行前一天销售额的会计处理来开始新的一天。

So, I enter the time spent – 0.75 hours – and move on to the next task.



Later in the day, I might spend another 45 minutes on Admin tasks, so I want to add that to the previous amount, in cell D5. If it’s late in the day, it might be difficult to add 0.75 + 0.75 in my head (or early in the day, if I haven’t had my coffee yet!)

当天晚些时候,我可能还会在管理任务上花费45分钟,因此我想将其添加到单元格D5中的以前的金额中。 如果是深夜,可能很难在我的头上添加0.75 + 0.75(或者如果没有喝咖啡,则可能在一天初期!)

使用特殊粘贴 (Use Paste Special)

One way to do this, and avoid basic mistakes in arithmetic, is to use Paste Special – Add.

避免发生数学错误的一种方法是使用选择性粘贴–添加 。

  • Type the number in a cell, and copy that cell.


  • Then, use Paste Special – Add, to paste that amount into another cell.



That technique works well, but it takes a few steps – and that adds more time to my Admin tasks!


使用宏添加金额 (Use a Macro to Add Amounts)

To make the job easier, I created a couple of macros that add numbers to selected cells. There is a link to the download page, at the end of this article.

为了简化工作,我创建了几个宏,这些宏将数字添加到选定的单元格中。 本文末尾有一个下载页面的链接。

  • Macro 1 adds a set number to the selected cells.


  • Macro 2 asks you to enter a number, then adds that number to the selected cells.


In the macro code, I use 7 as the set number, and the default number, because I have several weekly tasks. Once they’re completed, I add 7 to the date, to move them to next week’s schedule.

在宏代码中,我使用7作为设置数字和默认数字,因为我每周执行几次任务。 完成后,我将日期添加7,以将其移至下周​​的时间表。

You could change the code, so the set/default number is something that you use frequently.



视频:将数字添加到Excel中的多个单元格 (Video: Add Numbers to Multiple Cells in Excel)

Watch this video to see how to use the Paste Special command, and see how to modify the macro code, to change the numbers.



下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

To see how the macros work, and get the code to use in your own files, you can visit my Contextures website. You’ll find the instructions and sample file on the Add Number to Multiple Cells page.

若要查看宏的工作方式,并获取在自己的文件中使用的代码,可以访问我的Contextures网站。 您可以在“ 将数字添加到多个单元格”页面上找到说明和示例文件。

The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros. Enable macros when you open the file, if you want to test the code. ____________________

压缩文件为xlsm格式,并包含宏。 如果要测试代码,请在打开文件时启用宏。 ____________________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2014/06/26/add-number-to-multiple-cells-in-excel/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culiao2169/article/details/107989252
