
2022-09-06 00:00:00 大全 电子邮件地址




Email has become a standard method of communication and we all use it often. We’ve gathered some tips and tricks for using email programs and tools and for learning more about email terms and how email works.

电子邮件已经成为一种标准的通信方式,我们大家都经常使用它。 我们已经收集了一些使用电子邮件程序和工具的提示和技巧,以及有关电子邮件条款和电子邮件工作方式的更多信息。

邮箱 (Gmail)

Gmail is one of the most popular free email services, and many people have at least one Gmail address, if not more. The following articles show you how to backup your Gmail emails, how to use Gmail’s advanced search features and create filters, and how to enable and use Gmail’s keyboard shortcuts and create your own custom shortcuts. If you’re running low on space in your Gmail account, even though Gmail provides a high storage limit, we show you five ways to reclaim space in your Gmail account.

Gmail是最受欢迎的免费电子邮件服务之一,许多人至少拥有一个Gmail地址(如果没有的话)。 以下文章介绍了如何备份Gmail电子邮件,如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器,以及如何启用和使用Gmail的键盘快捷键以及创建自己的自定义快捷键。 如果您的Gmail帐户空间不足,即使Gmail提供了很高的存储空间限制,我们也会向您显示五种回收Gmail帐户空间的方法。

NOTE: For the last article listed below about accessing all your Google accounts at the same time using Multiple Sign-in, use the following URL to access the Multiple Sessions settings: https://accounts.google.com/MultipleSessions.

注意:对于下面列出的有关使用“多重登录”同时访问所有Google帐户的最后一篇文章,请使用以下URL访问“多个会话”设置: https : //accounts.google.com/MultipleSessions 。


  • How To Download/Backup Your Gmail, Google+, Calendar, and Docs Data

    如何下载/备份您的Gmail,Google +,日历和文档数据

  • How to Enable Desktop Notifications for Gmail in Chrome


  • Keep Track of New Email with Gmail Notifier


  • How to Send and Receive Hotmail from Your Gmail Account


  • How to Use Gmail’s Advanced Search Features & Create Filters


  • How to Use Gmail’s Keyboard Shortcuts & Create Custom Shortcuts


  • How to Free Up Space in Gmail: 5 Ways to Reclaim Space


  • How To Combine All Your Email Addresses into One Gmail Inbox


  • How To Backup Your Text Messages to Your Gmail Account


  • Access All Your Google Accounts at the Same Time With Multiple Sign-in


Microsoft Outlook (Microsoft Outlook)

If you use Microsoft Outlook as your email client, we’ve provided some links to articles below that show you how to use some of the useful features of the program, including how to add your Gmail, Hotmail, and Live email accounts to Outlook so you can check multiple email accounts in one place.

如果您使用Microsoft Outlook作为电子邮件客户端,我们提供了一些指向以下文章的链接,这些文章向您展示如何使用该程序的一些有用功能,包括如何将Gmail,Hotmail和Live电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook,以便您可以在一个地方检查多个电子邮件帐户。


  • Beginner: Make Outlook Always Display Images in Emails from Trusted Senders


  • Turn Off Desktop Email Alerts in Outlook 2010

    在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报

  • Sort Your Emails by Conversation in Outlook 2010

    在Outlook 2010中按会话对电子邮件进行排序

  • How to Create and Use Templates in Outlook 2010

    如何在Outlook 2010中创建和使用模板

  • Copy and Paste in Outlook Without Messing Up Your Formatting


  • Schedule Auto Send & Receive in Microsoft Outlook

    在Microsoft Outlook中安排自动发送和接收

  • Make Outlook Close the Original Message After Replying or Forwarding


  • Add Hotmail & Live Email Accounts to Outlook 2010

    将Hotmail和实时电子邮件帐户添加到Outlook 2010

  • Automatically Move Daily Emails to Specific Folders in Outlook


  • How to Create and Manage Contact Groups in Outlook 2010

    如何在Outlook 2010中创建和管理联系人组

  • Color Code Outlook for Easier Management


  • How to Manage AutoArchive in Outlook 2010

    如何在Outlook 2010中管理自动存档

  • Quick Tip: Turn Off Desktop Email Notifications in Outlook


  • Mark Messages As Read in the Outlook 2010 Reading Pane

    在Outlook 2010阅读窗格中将邮件标记为已读

  • Open Different Outlook Features in Separate Windows to Improve Productivity


  • Never Forget to Send an Email Attachment in Outlook


  • Add Your Gmail Account to Outlook 2010 using POP

    使用POP将Gmail帐户添加到Outlook 2010

  • Add Your Gmail Account to Outlook 2010 Using IMAP

    使用IMAP将Gmail帐户添加到Outlook 2010

Mozilla雷鸟 (Mozilla Thunderbird)

Mozilla Thunderbird is a very popular, free email client which can be installed on your hard drive or used as a portable program. The portability is useful if you check your email from various places. Below are a couple of articles that show you how to backup your web-based email account using Thunderbird and how to convert your email from Outlook to Apple Mail.app using Thunderbird.

Mozilla Thunderbird是一个非常受欢迎的免费电子邮件客户端,可以将其安装在硬盘上或用作便携式程序。 如果您从各个地方检查电子邮件,则可移植性很有用。 以下是几篇文章,向您展示如何使用Thunderbird备份基于Web的电子邮件帐户,以及如何使用Thunderbird将电子邮件从Outlook转换为Apple Mail.app。


  • Import Email From Outlook to Apple Mail.app Using Thunderbird

    使用Thunderbird将电子邮件从Outlook导入到Apple Mail.app

  • How to Backup Your Web-Based Email Account Using Thunderbird


电邮安全 (Email Security)

Security is very important when sending private messages in email, from selecting a secure password, to avoiding phishing emails and sending someone sensitive information through email.



  • How to Send Self-Destructing Sensitive Information to Someone via Email


  • Online Security: Breaking Down the Anatomy of a Phishing Email


  • How To Recover After Your Email Password Is Compromised


手机电邮 (Mobile Email)

With the advent of smartphones and tablets, we can now check our email from anywhere. If you have an Android phone or tablet, you must have Gmail. One of articles below show you how to enable Priority Inbox in the Gmail app on your Android device. If you have a Kindle Fire and you want to check an email account other than Gmail on it, we show you how to setup Gmail for custom domains on your Kindle Fire.

随着智能手机和平板电脑的出现,我们现在可以从任何地方查看电子邮件。 如果您有Android手机或平板电脑,则必须具有Gmail。 以下文章之一向您展示了如何在Android设备上的Gmail应用中启用“优先收件箱”。 如果您拥有Kindle Fire,并且要在其上检查Gmail以外的电子邮件帐户,我们将向您展示如何为Kindle Fire上的自定义域设置Gmail。


  • How to Setup Gmail for Custom Domains on the Kindle Fire’s Email App

    如何在Kindle Fire的电子邮件应用程序上为自定义域设置Gmail

  • How to Enable Priority Inbox on Android (and Setup Important-Only Notifications)


一般电子邮件信息 (General Email Information)

If you want to learn more about email itself, and not just about the email programs and tools you can use, the articles below show you how it works, what’s in an email header, and the difference among POP3, IMAP, and Exchange.



  • Email: What’s the Difference Between POP3, IMAP, and Exchange?


  • HTG Explains: What Can You Find in an Email Header?


  • HTG Explains: How Does Email Work?


杂项电子邮件提示 (Miscellaneous Email Tips)

Finally, we provide some additional links to articles about installing and using the Email This extension in Firefox for sharing web page links via email, creating a shortcut on your desktop that allows you to directly email a specific person, and how to use email to send text messages to mobile phones, among other tips.



  • How to Set Up Email Notifications for Your Windows Home Server

    如何为Windows Home Server设置电子邮件通知

  • Boost Your Email Writing Productivity with Microsoft Word Mail Merge

    通过Microsoft Word Mail Merge提升电子邮件写作效率

  • How To Setup Email Alerts on Linux Using Gmail or SMTP


  • How to Create a Vacation Away Message for (Almost) Any Email Account


  • How to add any POP3 Email Account to Hotmail


  • Use Email to Send Text Messages (SMS) to Mobile Phones for Free


  • Email This for Firefox Quickly Sends Web Pages Using Email


  • How to Build a Self Contained Email Environment


  • Create a Shortcut to Email a Recipient Directly From Your Desktop


So, now you’re an email whiz. However, have you discovered that you check your email more often than you really need to? Do you get anxious if you can’t access your email for a little while? If your compulsive email checking is interrupting other more important tasks and disrupting your life, we have a solution to help you wean yourself from your compulsive email checking habit.

所以,现在您是一个电子邮件专家。 但是,您是否发现自己比实际需要的时间更频繁地检查电子邮件? 如果您有一段时间无法访问电子邮件,您会感到焦虑吗? 如果您的强迫性电子邮件检查干扰了其他更重要的任务并破坏了您的生活,我们可以提供一种解决方案来帮助您摆脱强迫性电子邮件检查习惯 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/114301/the-best-tips-and-tricks-for-using-email-efficiently/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culinxia2707/article/details/108777740
