如何查看流量来源在Google Analytics(分析)中链接的页面
So you’re looking at your Google Analytics traffic and you notice a large amount of visits coming from a particular traffic source… but where exactly are they linking to?
因此,您在查看自己的Google Analytics(分析)流量时,会注意到大量来自特定流量来源的访问……但是它们到底链接到哪里?
You can usually see an abnormal amount of views in the Top Content report, but sometimes it’s not so clear which pages are being linked to. There is an easy way to see this, it’s just not immediately obvious to everybody.
通常,您可以在“热门内容”报告中看到异常数量的视图,但是有时不清楚链接到哪些页面。 有一个简单的方法可以看到这一点,这并不是所有人都立即意识到的。
In this example we’ll look at StumbleUpon traffic by clicking on it in the sources list.
Now select “Landing Page” from the Segment drop-down menu.
And there we are… a nice tidy list of all the pages StumbleUpon sent visitors to.
In this case, it was easy for me to see the extra pageviews to the Copy Windows Drivers article, but without this report I had no idea Stumble visitors were also looking at some of these other pages as well.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/how-to-see-what-pages-a-traffic-source-is-linking-in-google-analytics/
原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cumai3211/article/details/109040686