
2022-06-22 00:00:00 创建 模板 自定义


PowerPoint provides extremely useful resources called templates that automatically construct the foundation and framework of your presentation. If you can’t quite find one that’s just right for you, you can create your own. Here’s how to do it.

PowerPoint提供了非常有用的称为模板的资源,这些模板可自动构建演示文稿的基础和框架。 如果找不到适合自己的产品,则可以创建自己的产品。 这是操作方法。

创建自定义PowerPoint模板 (Create a Custom PowerPoint Template)

To create a custom PowerPoint template, you’ll first need to open a blank presentation. You can do so by clicking the “File” tab and then selecting “New” in the left pane.

要创建自定义PowerPoint模板,您首先需要打开一个空白演示文稿。 您可以通过单击“文件”选项卡,然后在左窗格中选择“新建”来执行此操作。


A large library of templates will appear, but since that’s not what we’re looking for, go ahead and select the “Blank Presentation” option.



Next, you need to choose the slide orientation and size. In the “Customize” group of the “Design” tab, select the “Slide Size” button. A small drop-down menu will appear. Here, click the “Customize Slide Size” option.

接下来,您需要选择幻灯片的方向和大小 。 在“设计”选项卡的“自定义”组中,选择“幻灯片大小”按钮。 将会出现一个小的下拉菜单。 在这里,单击“自定义幻灯片大小”选项。


The “Slide Size” dialog box will appear. Here, you can (1) adjust the slide height and width or simply select a predefined option from the drop-down menu, and (2) select the slide orientation.

将出现“幻灯片大小”对话框。 在这里,您可以(1)调整幻灯片的高度和宽度,或仅从下拉菜单中选择预定义的选项,以及(2)选择幻灯片的方向。


The rest of the template creation will be done in PowerPoint’s Slide Master. The Slide Master allows you to customize a presentation’s fonts, headings, and colors in one place, applying the selections to all of your slides. This allows you to maintain consistency throughout the template, as well as eliminating the need to make changes to each individual slide.

其余的模板创建将在PowerPoint的Slide Master中完成 。 幻灯片母版允许您在一处自定义演示文稿的字体,标题和颜色,并将选择内容应用于所有幻灯片。 这使您可以在整个模板中保持一致性,并且无需对每个幻灯片进行更改。

To access the slide master, click on the “View” tab and then select “Slide Master” in the “Master Views” group.



The Slide Master will appear in the left pane. The Slide Master is the top thumbnail that appears in the pane. Each sub-thumbnail represents each slide layout available in your theme. Edits you make to the Slide Master will affect each slide layout.

幻灯片母版将出现在左窗格中。 幻灯片母版是显示在窗格中的顶部缩略图。 每个子缩略图代表主题中可用的每个幻灯片布局。 您对幻灯片母版所做的编辑将影响每个幻灯片版式。


This is where the magic happens. First, you can select a unique theme for what will be your PowerPoint template. To do so, select “Themes” in the “Edit Theme” group of the “Slide Master” tab.

这就是魔术发生的地方。 首先,您可以为PowerPoint模板选择一个唯一的主题。 为此,请在“幻灯片母版”选项卡的“编辑主题”组中选择“主题”。


A drop-down menu will appear, presenting a large library of themes to choose from. Each theme comes with its own fonts and effects. Browse through the collection and select the one you like.

将会出现一个下拉菜单,其中提供了可供选择的大型主题库。 每个主题都有其自己的字体和效果。 浏览收藏夹,然后选择您喜欢的收藏夹。


You can also choose a background style for the theme you chose. Select “Background Styles” in the “Background” group and then select the style you like from the drop-down menu.

您还可以为所选主题选择背景样式。 在“背景”组中选择“背景样式”,然后从下拉菜单中选择所需的样式。


If you want to customize the placeholders in the slides, you can do so by selecting one of the options from the “Insert Placeholder” menu. You can find this option in the “Master Layout” group.

如果要自定义幻灯片中的占位符,可以通过从“插入占位符”菜单中选择一个选项来实现。 您可以在“主版面”组中找到此选项。


Once you’ve selected the slide where you want to insert a placeholder from the pane on left and the type of placeholder you want to insert from the menu, click and drag your cursor to draw the placeholder box.



Repeat this process until you’re happy with the placeholders in your template. Once you’re finished with this, all that’s left to do is save your custom template.

重复此过程,直到对模板中的占位符满意为止。 完成此操作后,剩下要做的就是保存您的自定义模板。

保存您的自定义模板 (Save Your Custom Template)

To save the PowerPoint presentation (.pptx) as a template (.potx), click the “File” tab and then the “Save As” button.



In the “Other Locations” group, select the “Browse” option.



The “Save As” dialog box will then appear. Select the box next to “Save as Type” and then choose “PowerPoint Template” from the list of options.

然后将出现“另存为”对话框。 选择“另存为类型”旁边的框,然后从选项列表中选择“ PowerPoint模板”。


When you select the PowerPoint Template file type, PowerPoint redirects you to the “Custom Office Templates” folder. This is where you’ll want to save your template. Click the “Save” button.

当您选择PowerPoint模板文件类型时,PowerPoint会将您重定向到“自定义Office模板”文件夹。 这是您要保存模板的位置。 点击“保存”按钮。


Your template will now be saved and is ready to be used. To find your template next time you open PowerPoint, click the “File” tab and select the “New” button. Next, select the “Custom” tab and then select the “Custom Office Templates” option.

现在,您的模板将被保存并可以使用。 要在下次打开PowerPoint时查找模板,请单击“文件”选项卡,然后选择“新建”按钮。 接下来,选择“自定义”选项卡,然后选择“自定义Office模板”选项。


You’ll now see your custom template. Select it to start using your custom PowerPoint template.

现在,您将看到自定义模板。 选择它以开始使用您的自定义PowerPoint模板。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/445206/how-to-create-a-custom-template-in-powerpoint/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culiyuan8310/article/details/108792938
