file explorer_如何在Windows 10中自定义File Explorer的快速访问工具栏
file explorer
The Quick Access Toolbar is a small, customizable toolbar that exposes a set of commands that are specified by the application or selected by the user. It provides a lot of customization opportunities to help make the commands and actions you use most often in File Explorer quicker and easier to use.
快速访问工具栏是一个小型的可自定义工具栏,它公开了由应用程序指定或用户选择的一组命令。 它提供了许多自定义机会,以帮助使您在File Explorer中最常使用的命令和操作更快,更易于使用。
If you can’t remember all the keyboard shortcuts and want a better way to access your frequently accessed commands and options, then this article is for you. Today we’ll show you how to customize the quick access toolbar in File Explorer on Windows 10.
如果您不记得所有的键盘快捷键,并且想要一种更好的方式来访问经常访问的命令和选项,那么本文适合您。 今天,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 10的文件资源管理器中自定义快速访问工具栏。
快速访问工具栏一览 (Quick Access Toolbar at a Glance )
By default, the Quick Access Toolbar is located in the title bar of the application window but can be configured to display below the ribbon. In addition to exposing commands, the Quick Access Toolbar also includes a customizable drop-down menu that contains the complete set of default commands (whether displayed or hidden) and ribbon options.
默认情况下,快速访问工具栏位于应用程序窗口的标题栏中,但可以配置为显示在功能区下方。 除了公开命令之外,快速访问工具栏还包括一个可自定义的下拉菜单,其中包含完整的默认命令集(无论显示还是隐藏)和功能区选项。
The Quick Access Toolbar consists of a combination of up to 20 commands either specified by the application or selected by the user. It can contain unique commands that are not available elsewhere in the ribbon UI.
快速访问工具栏由应用程序指定或用户选择的多达20个命令的组合组成。 它可以包含功能区UI中其他地方不可用的唯一命令。
更改快速访问工具栏的位置 (Change the Position of the Quick Access Toolbar )
Click on the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu arrow or any command button in the Ribbon and choose “Show below the Ribbon” or “Show above the Ribbon”.
从快速访问工具栏中添加或删除命令 (Add or Remove Commands From the Quick Access Toolbar )
Initially you’ll only have a few commands to choose from. They’ll be Properties, New Folder, and Redo. Click on the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu arrow and select the unchecked command to check and add additional commands.
最初,您只有几个命令可供选择。 它们将是“属性”,“新文件夹”和“重做”。 单击快速访问工具栏下拉菜单箭头,然后选择未选中的命令以检查和添加其他命令。
Alternatively, right-click on any command/button in any Ribbon tab and click on “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”. If this option is grayed out, then it means that this command/button has already been added.
或者,右键单击任何功能区选项卡中的任何命令/按钮,然后单击“添加到快速访问工具栏”。 如果该选项显示为灰色,则表示该命令/按钮已经添加。
Click on the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu arrow, and select the checked command to uncheck and remove it.
Alternatively, right-click on a previously added command on the Quick Access Toolbar, and click on “Remove from Quick Access Toolbar”.
将有用的命令添加到快速访问工具栏 (Add Useful Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar )
The Empty Recycle Bin icon in Windows 10 is embedded into the Ribbon by default. You can add this icon to the toolbar to delete all the files in your Recycle Bin quickly in a single click. Open the Recycle Bin and click “Manage” at the top of the Ribbon.
默认情况下,Windows 10中的“空回收站”图标已嵌入到功能区中。 您可以将此图标添加到工具栏,以单击一次快速删除回收站中的所有文件。 打开回收站,然后单击功能区顶部的“管理”。
Right-click on the Empty Recycle Bin icon and choose “Add to Quick Access Toolbar” from the context menu.
Moving or copying files from one location to another is really simple in Windows. Choose cut or copy command from the context menu and paste the contents in the destination folder. In Windows 8 and 8.1, the “Copy to” and “Move to” command was added right to the Home tab in the ribbon of File Explorer. You have to click on “Choose location” to see the “Copy Items” or “Move Items” dialog.
在Windows中,将文件从一个位置移动或复制到另一位置非常简单。 从上下文菜单中选择剪切或复制命令,然后将内容粘贴到目标文件夹中。 在Windows 8和8.1中,“复制到”和“移动到”命令被添加到“文件资源管理器”功能区中的“主页”选项卡上。 您必须单击“选择位置”以查看“复制项目”或“移动项目”对话框。
Right-click on the “Move to” and “Copy to” icon and choose “Add to Quick Access Toolbar” from the context menu.
Sharing has been a part of the Windows for long time. In Windows 10, you’ll see three integrated options: Share, Email, and Zip. Right click on the “Share” icon and choose “Add to Quick Access Toolbar” from the context menu. Now you can share files from your PC with single click.
共享很长时间以来一直是Windows的一部分。 在Windows 10中,您将看到三个集成选项:“共享”,“电子邮件”和“ Zip”。 右键单击“共享”图标,然后从上下文菜单中选择“添加到快速访问工具栏”。 现在,您只需单击一下即可共享PC中的文件。
重置快速访问工具栏 (Reset the Quick Access Toolbar )
If you notice that some weird issues related to Quick Access Toolbar, then you may want to reset them to its default state. Press “Win + R” key to open the Run box. Type “regedit” to open the registry editor. Navigate to the following location
如果您发现一些与“快速访问工具栏”有关的怪异问题,那么您可能希望将其重置为默认状态。 按“ Win + R”键打开“运行”框。 键入“ regedit”以打开注册表编辑器。 导航到以下位置
In the right pane of this location, look for the “QatItems” named binary DWORD. The value data inside this DWORD helps Windows remember what preferences you’ve selected for Quick Access Toolbar.
在此位置的右窗格中,查找名为二进制DWORD的“ QatItems”。 此DWORD中的值数据可帮助Windows记住您为快速访问工具栏选择的首选项。
Right-click on “QatItems” DWORD and select “Delete”. Restart your PC to have your Quick Access Toolbar to get reset.
右键单击“ QatItems” DWORD,然后选择“删除”。 重新启动PC,以使您的快速访问工具栏重置。
Concluding this article, the Quick Access Toolbar may not seem like a hugely important feature for users who have mastery over keyboard shortcuts. Mouse reliant users will find this feature useful in their day-to-day tasks with PC.
总结本文,对于精通键盘快捷键的用户来说,快速访问工具栏似乎不是一个非常重要的功能。 依赖鼠标的用户会发现此功能在PC的日常任务中很有用。
file explorer