快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏

2022-06-22 00:00:00 自定义 快速 工具栏

《快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏》


The new Ribbon in Office 2007 can take a while to get used to, so the Quick Access Toolbar is a great way to put your most frequently used commands on a single toolbar while you are getting used to the Ribbon.

Office 2007中新的功能区可能需要一段时间才能习惯,因此快速访问工具栏是在习惯功能区时将最常用命令放在单个工具栏上的好方法。

Open Excel 2007 and click the down arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar.

打开Excel 2007,然后单击快速访问工具栏旁边的向下箭头。

《快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏》

From the menu choose More Commands…


《快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏》

Now highlight the commands you want to appear on the toolbar from the left column, and click the Add button to add them to the selected box on the right-hand side.


You can also check the box for “Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon” if you don’t like the toolbar appearing in the title bar.


《快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏》

Notice the toolbar is now below the ribbon, and the items have been added to the toolbar.


《快速访问工具栏自定义_快速提示:自定义Excel 2007快速访问工具栏》

This is definitely a simple tip, but I’ve found it’s very useful.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/quick-tip-customize-your-excel-2007-quick-access-toolbar/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culunxun2863/article/details/108823288
