
2022-04-03 00:00:00 启用 文件夹 无法访问




The Secure Folder is a useful feature on Samsung devices that allows you to keep apps and files out of sight. Here’s how to enable it and use it.

安全文件夹是Samsung设备上的一项有用功能,可让您使应用程序和文件不可见。 以下是启用和使用它的方法。

安全文件夹如何工作 (How the Secure Folder Works)

Samsung’s Secure Folder is an app that allows you to hide a part of your phone. It uses Samsung’s Knox security platform to create a new home screen that is protected by a password or your device’s biometrics. Apps and files you place in the folder can’t be accessed unless you unlock your Secure Folder.

三星的安全文件夹是一款应用程序,可让您隐藏手机的一部分。 它使用三星的Knox安全平台创建一个新的主屏幕,该主屏幕受密码或设备的生物特征保护。 除非您解锁安全文件夹,否则无法访问放置在文件夹中的应用和文件。

You can add an existing app on your phone to your Secure Folder to create a copy of the app. This app will not have any of your existing files, cache, and logins, so it’s essentially a new installation of the app. You can also add new apps from the Galaxy Store or Play Store to install them only in the Secure Folder.

您可以将手机上的现有应用程序添加到“安全文件夹”中,以创建该应用程序的副本。 这个应用程式不会包含您现有的任何档案,快取和登入资料,因此实质上是该应用程式的新安装。 您还可以从Galaxy Store或Play商店添加新应用,以仅将其安装在安全文件夹中。

Files in your Secure Folder can’t be opened without authentication, either. These files won’t appear in regular file explorers or your Gallery app. Only apps that are already in the Secure Folder can access your hidden files.

未经身份验证也无法打开安全文件夹中的文件。 这些文件不会出现在常规文件浏览器或“图库”应用中。 仅安全文件夹中已存在的应用程序可以访问您的隐藏文件。

在设备上启用安全文件夹 (Enabling the Secure Folder on Your Device)

Before you try enabling the Secure Folder on your device, check if your device is compatible first. The feature works with Samsung Galaxy Knox-enabled phones running Android 7.0 Nougat and above. These phones are compatible with the feature:

在尝试在设备上启用安全文件夹之前,请先检查设备是否兼容。 该功能适用​​于运行Android 7.0牛轧糖及更高版本的支持Samsung Galaxy Knox的手机。 这些电话与以下功能兼容:

  • Galaxy S Series, starting from the S6 up to the S10

    Galaxy S系列,从S6到S10

  • Galaxy Note Series, starting from the Note 8 up to the Note 10

    Galaxy Note系列,从Note 8到Note 10

  • Galaxy Fold


  • Galaxy A Series, including the A20, A50, A70, and A90

    Galaxy A系列,包括A20,A50,A70和A90

  • Galaxy Tab S Series, starting from the S3

    从S3开始的Galaxy Tab S系列

Before you set up your Secure Folder, you first need a Samsung Account. Follow Samsung’s instructions for creating an account before proceeding.

在设置安全文件夹之前,首先需要一个Samsung帐户。 在继续操作之前,请按照Samsung的说明创建帐户。

On newer Galaxy phones, such as the S10 and the Note 10, the app will come pre-installed. Check your device’s app drawer to confirm if you have it installed. If your phone doesn’t have the Secure Folder app, you can download it on the Play Store or the Galaxy Store.

在较新的Galaxy手机(例如S10和Note 10)上,将预安装该应用程序。 检查设备的应用程序抽屉,以确认是否已安装。 如果您的手机没有安全文件夹应用程序,则可以将其下载到Play商店或Galaxy商店中。

On your phone, go to the Settings app, and then select Biometrics and Security > Secure Folder. On some phones, the first menu may be “Lock Screen and Security” or just “Security.”

在手机上,转到“设置”应用,然后选择“ 生物特征和安全性” >“安全文件夹”。 在某些手机上,第一个菜单可能是“锁定屏幕和安全性”,也可能只是“安全性”。


It will prompt you to log in to your Samsung account. If you haven’t already made one, make one now. Otherwise, log into your account.

它将提示您登录三星帐户。 如果您尚未制作,请立即制作。 否则,登录到您的帐户。

Wait for the device to create your Secure Folder. This process may take up to a minute. Then, select a lock screen type for your Secure Folder. Depending on your device, you can choose a pattern, a PIN, or a password, and enable your device’s built-in fingerprint biometrics as well.

等待设备创建您的安全文件夹。 此过程可能需要一分钟。 然后,为您的安全文件夹选择一个锁定屏幕类型。 根据设备的不同,您可以选择一种模式,一个PIN或一个密码,并启用设备的内置指纹生物识别功能。


Your Secure Folder will be available for you to use like any other Android app on your device. Look for the Secure Folder app shortcut on your phone’s home screen or in its app drawer.

您的安全文件夹将可供您像设备上的任何其他Android应用一样使用。 在手机的主屏幕或应用程序抽屉中查找“安全文件夹”应用程序快捷方式。


After your Secure Folder is activated, it’s a good idea to take a look through the settings. You can access the settings by pressing the three-dotted button at the top right of the Secure Folder screen. From here, you can manage your secured apps and edit the lock type, auto-lock settings, account settings, and notifications. You can also customize the appearance and name of the Secure Folder icon in your app drawer.

激活安全文件夹后,最好浏览一下设置。 您可以通过按“安全文件夹”屏幕右上方的三点按钮访问设置。 在这里,您可以管理受保护的应用,并编辑锁定类型,自动锁定设置,帐户设置和通知。 您还可以自定义应用程序抽屉中“安全文件夹”图标的外观和名称。


将应用程序添加到安全文件夹 (Adding Apps to the Secure Folder)

You can add apps to your Secure Folder, ensuring the secured version of the app can’t be launched without unlocking the folder. To do this, go to your Secure Folder and press the “Add Apps” button. From here, you can either add an app already on your phone or install a new app from Google’s Play Store or Samsung’s Galaxy Store.

您可以将应用程序添加到“安全文件夹”,以确保在未解锁文件夹的情况下无法启动应用程序的安全版本。 为此,请转到您的安全文件夹,然后按“添加应用程序”按钮。 在这里,您既可以在手机上添加一个应用程序,也可以从Google的Play商店或三星的Galaxy商店安装一个新应用程序。


Adding an app that’s already on your phone essentially creates another copy of the app on your device with its own cache and stored files. If you duplicate a messaging app such as WhatsApp or Telegram, you can log in to a different account within your Secure Folder. These apps retain their history and cache even after you exit the Secure Folder.

添加手机上已经存在的应用程序实质上会在设备上使用自己的缓存和存储的文件创建该应用程序的另一个副本。 如果您复制诸如WhatsApp或Telegram之类的消息传递应用程序,则可以登录到安全文件夹中的其他帐户。 即使退出安全文件夹,这些应用程序仍会保留其历史记录和缓存。

This also applies to web browsing. For example, if you install Chrome in the Secure Folder, you can still retain the history, logins, and bookmarks saved in the secured app, unlike Incognito Mode.

这也适用于Web浏览。 例如,如果您将Chrome安装在“安全文件夹”中,则与隐身模式不同,您仍然可以保留安全应用中保存的历史记录,登录名和书签。

If you add an app from the Galaxy Store or the Play Store, it becomes available only on your Secure Folder. It won’t create a copy in your primary list of apps. This is useful for apps you do not want to be visible on the home page or while scrolling through your drawer.

如果您从Galaxy商店或Play商店添加应用程序,则该应用程序仅在您的安全文件夹中可用。 它不会在您的主要应用列表中创建副本。 这对于不想在主页上或在抽屉中滚动显示的应用很有用。

将文件移动到安全文件夹 (Moving Files to the Secure Folder)

In addition to apps, you can also move certain files from your phone to the secure folder. This can be done in two ways.

除应用程序外,您还可以将某些文件从手机移至安全文件夹。 这可以通过两种方式完成。

The first way is to go to your My Files app or Gallery app in your app drawer. Select the desired files and folders using a long press. Then, press the three-dotted menu button at the top right and select “Move to Secure Folder.” You’ll be prompted to verify your identity using your lock screen again, and then they’ll be moved. To access these files, use the My Files or Gallery app within the Secure Folder.

第一种方法是转到应用程序抽屉中的“ 我的文件”应用程序或“图库”应用程序。 长按选择所需的文件和文件夹。 然后,按右上角的三点菜单按钮,然后选择“移至安全文件夹”。 系统将提示您再次使用锁定屏幕来验证您的身份,然后将其移动。 要访问这些文件,请使用安全文件夹中的“我的文件”或“图库”应用程序。


You can also go to your Secure Folder and press the “Add Files” button. From here, you can select either My Files, or the Images, Video, Audio, or Documents explorer. You can then choose one or more of the files, and press “Done” at the bottom of the screen to move them into the Secure Folder.

您也可以转到“安全文件夹”,然后按“添加文件”按钮。 在这里,您可以选择我的文件,也可以选择图像,视频,音频或文档资源管理器。 然后,您可以选择一个或多个文件,然后按屏幕底部的“完成”将它们移到“安全文件夹”中。


Note that files downloaded within the Secure Folder, such as those from messaging apps or browsers, can only be accessed using apps in the folder.


You can move your files out of your Secure Folder in the same way. Go to My Files or Gallery in the Secure Folder, select the files, and press “Move out of Secure Folder.”

您可以用相同的方法将文件移出安全文件夹。 转到“安全文件夹”中的“我的文件”或“库”,选择文件,然后按“移出安全文件夹”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/466709/how-to-enable-the-secure-folder-on-samsung-phones/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culul01313/article/details/108834371
