ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小

2022-01-19 00:00:00 分区 大小 调整

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

ubuntu 分区大小调整

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Whether you want to shrink your Ubuntu partition, enlarge it, or split it up into several partitions, you can’t do this while it’s in use. You’ll need a Ubuntu live CD or USB drive to edit your partitions.

无论您是要缩小Ubuntu分区,扩大它还是将其分割成几个分区,在使用时都无法做到这一点。 您将需要Ubuntu Live CD或USB驱动器来编辑分区。

The Ubuntu live CD includes the GParted partition editor, which can modify your partitions. GParted is a full-featured, graphical partition editor that acts as a frontend to a variety of Linux terminal commands.

Ubuntu live CD包含GParted分区编辑器,可以修改您的分区。 GParted是功能齐全的图形分区编辑器,可充当各种Linux终端命令的前端。

从CD或USB驱动器引导 (Boot From CD or USB Drive)

If you have the CD or USB drive you installed Ubuntu from, you can insert it into your computer and restart. If you don’t, you’ll have to create a new Ubuntu live media. You can download an Ubuntu ISO from Ubuntu.com and burn it a disc by right-clicking the downloaded ISO file and selecting Write to Disc.

如果您具有从中安装Ubuntu的CD或USB驱动器,则可以将其插入计算机并重新启动。 如果不这样做,则必须创建一个新的Ubuntu Live媒体。 您可以从Ubuntu.com下载Ubuntu ISO并通过右键单击下载的ISO文件并选择“写入光盘”将其刻录到光盘上。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

If you’d rather use a USB drive, use the Startup Disk Creator application, which comes with Ubuntu. You’ll find it in the Dash.

如果您想使用USB驱动器,请使用Ubuntu随附的Startup Disk Creator应用程序。 您会在Dash中找到它。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Provide the Startup Disk Creator application with a Ubuntu ISO and a USB flash drive and it will create a live USB drive for you.

为启动磁盘创建器应用程序提供一个Ubuntu ISO和一个USB闪存驱动器,它将为您创建一个实时USB驱动器。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

After creating the live media, insert it into your computer and restart. If the live environment doesn’t start, you may have to enter your computer’s BIOS and change its boot order. To access the BIOS, press the key that appears on you screen while your computer boots, often Delete, F1, or F2. You can find the appropriate key in your computer’s (or motherboard’s, if you assembled your own computer) manual.

创建实时媒体后,将其插入计算机并重新启动。 如果实时环境无法启动,则可能必须输入计算机的BIOS并更改其启动顺序。 要访问BIOS,请在计算机启动时按屏幕上显示的键,通常是Delete,F1或F2。 您可以在计算机(或主板,如果组装了自己的计算机)手册中找到适当的密钥。

使用GParted (Using GParted)

While the GParted partition editor isn’t present by default on an installed Ubuntu system, it is included with the Ubuntu live environment. Launch GParted from the Dash to get started.

虽然默认情况下GParted分区编辑器在已安装的Ubuntu系统上不存在,但它已包含在Ubuntu实时环境中。 从Dash启动GParted以开始使用。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

If you have multiple hard drives in your computer, select the appropriate one from the drop-down box at the top right corner of the GParted window.


《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Partitions can’t be modified while they’re in use – partitions in use have a key icon next to them. If a partition is mounted, unmount it by clicking the eject button in the file manager. If you have a swap partition, the Ubuntu live environment will likely have activated it. To deactivate the swap partition, right-click it and select Swapoff.

使用中的分区无法修改–使用中的分区旁边有一个钥匙图标。 如果已安装分区,请通过单击文件管理器中的弹出按钮将其卸载。 如果您有交换分区,则Ubuntu实时环境可能已将其激活。 要停用交换分区,请右键单击它,然后选择Swapoff。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

To resize a partition, right-click it and select Resize/Move.


《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

The easiest way to resize a partition is by clicking and dragging the handles at either side of the bar, although you can also enter exact numbers. You can shrink any partition if it has free space.

调整分区大小最简单的方法是单击并拖动栏两侧的手柄,尽管您也可以输入准确的数字。 如果有可用空间,则可以缩小任何分区。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Your changes won’t take effect immediately. Each change you make it queued, and appears in a list at the bottom of the GParted window.

您所做的更改不会立即生效。 您所做的每个更改都会排队,并显示在GParted窗口底部的列表中。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Once you’ve shrunk a partition, you could use the unallocated space to create a new partition, if you like. To do so, right-click the unallocated space and select New. GParted will walk you through creating the partition.

收缩分区后,可以根据需要使用未分配的空间来创建新分区。 为此,右键单击未分配的空间,然后选择“新建”。 GParted将引导您创建分区。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

If a partition has adjacent unallocated space, you can right-click it and select Resize/Move to enlarge the partition into the unallocated space.


《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

To specify a new partition size, click and drag the sliders or enter an exact number into the boxes.


《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

GParted shows a warning whenever you move the start sector of a partition. If you move the start sector of your Windows system partition (C:) or the Ubuntu partition containing your /boot directory – likely your primary Ubuntu partition – your operating system may fail to boot. In this case, we’re only moving the start sector of our swap partition, so we can ignore this warning. If you’re moving the start sector of your main Ubuntu partition, you’ll likely have to reinstall Grub 2 afterwards.

每当您移动分区的起始扇区时,GParted都会显示警告。 如果移动Windows系统分区(C :)或包含/ boot目录的Ubuntu分区(可能是您的主要Ubuntu分区)的启动扇区,则操作系统可能无法启动。 在这种情况下,我们仅移动交换分区的起始扇区,因此我们可以忽略此警告。 如果要移动主要Ubuntu分区的起始扇区,则可能必须在此后重新安装Grub 2。

If your system does fail to boot, you can consult the Ubuntu wiki for several methods of reinstalling GRUB 2. The process is different from restoring the older GRUB 1 boot loader.

如果您的系统确实无法启动,则可以参考Ubuntu Wiki上的几种重新安装GRUB 2的方法。此过程与还原旧的GRUB 1引导加载程序不同。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Click the green check mark icon on GParted’s toolbar to apply the changes when you’re finished.


《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Back ups are always important. However, back ups are particularly important if you’re modifying your partitions – a problem could occur and you may lose your data. Don’t resize your partitions until you’ve backed up any important data.

备份始终很重要。 但是,如果您要修改分区,则备份尤为重要-可能会出现问题,并且可能会丢失数据。 在备份任何重要数据之前,请勿调整分区大小。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

After you click Apply, GParted will apply all queued changes. This may take a while, depending on the changes you make. Don’t cancel the operation or power down your computer while the operation is in progress.

单击“应用”后,GParted将应用所有排队的更改。 这可能需要一段时间,具体取决于您所做的更改。 正在进行操作时,请勿取消操作或关闭计算机电源。

《ubuntu 分区大小调整_如何调整Ubuntu分区的大小》

Restart your system and remove the CD or USB drive after performing the operations.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/114503/how-to-resize-your-ubuntu-partitions/

ubuntu 分区大小调整

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cum88284/article/details/109041158
