qt 窗口不可调整大小_将不可调整大小的窗口变成可调整大小的窗口
qt 窗口不可调整大小
Are you frustrated with Windows app windows that can not be resized at all? Now you can apply some “attitude adjustment” and resize those windows with ResizeEnable.
您对根本无法调整大小的Windows应用程序窗口感到沮丧吗? 现在,您可以应用一些“高度调整”,并使用ResizeEnable调整这些窗口的大小。
Everyone is familiar with the many app windows in their Windows OS that simply can not be resized. What you need is cooperation, not attitude. For our example we chose the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Window”…notice the cursor in the lower right corner. No resizing satisfaction available at all…
每个人都熟悉Windows操作系统中许多无法调整大小的应用程序窗口。 您需要的是合作,而不是态度。 在我们的示例中,我们选择“任务栏和开始菜单属性窗口”…注意光标在右下角。 根本没有调整大小的满足感…
The program comes in a zip file with three files as shown here. Once you have unzipped the program place it in an appropriate “Program Files Folder”, create a shortcut, and you are ready to go.
该程序包含一个zip文件,其中包含三个文件,如下所示。 解压缩该程序后,将其放置在适当的“ Program Files文件夹”中,创建一个快捷方式,即可开始使用。
There will be a “System Tray Icon” with only two “Context Menu” items…“About & Quit”.
Here is a quick look at the “About Window” that tells you exactly what ResizeEnable does. Notice that it does state that you may occasionally have a window that may not respond correctly.
快速浏览一下“关于窗口”,它告诉您ResizeEnable的确切功能。 请注意,它确实指出您可能偶尔会有一个窗口,可能无法正确响应。
Now back to our “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Window”. Notice the resizing cursor in the lower right corner….time for some fun!
现在回到我们的“任务栏和开始菜单属性窗口”。 请注意右下角的调整大小光标……时间,这很有趣!
During our test the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Window” was suddenly a dream to resize.
Daring to stretch the window even further…now that is what you call “stretching” the window out in comparison to its’ original size! Think of all the windows that will be much easier to work with now…
敢于进一步拉开窗户……现在,这就是所谓的“拉开”窗户,与其原始尺寸相比! 考虑一下现在将更容易使用的所有窗户…
If you have been frustrated with non-resizeable windows then ResizeEnable will certainly bring a smile to your face as you watch those windows suddenly become a lot more cooperative. This is definitely one app that is worth adding to your system.
如果您对不可调整大小的窗口感到沮丧,那么当您看着那些窗口突然变得更加协作时,ResizeEnable无疑会带给您微笑。 这绝对是一个值得添加到您的系统中的应用程序。
Download ResizeEnable (zip file)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11799/turn-non-resizeable-windows-into-rezieable-windows/
qt 窗口不可调整大小
原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culun797375/article/details/108826312