
2021-12-07 00:00:00 文件夹 电子邮件 特定

If you subscribe to daily email news letters they can quickly fill up an inbox.  You might want to save them to read or reference at a later time.  Keeping these emails in specific folders is a good way to keep organized.  Today we will take a look at how to create a rule in Outlook to automatically place regularly received email messages in specifically assigned folders.

如果您订阅每日电子邮件新闻信件,他们可以快速填写收件箱。 您可能需要保存它们以便以后阅读或参考。 将这些电子邮件保存在特定的文件夹中是保持井井有条的好方法。 今天,我们将研究如何在Outlook中创建规则,以将定期收到的电子邮件自动放置在专门分配的文件夹中。

First right click on the email message you want to move to automatically move to a folder and select Create Rule.



This will open up the Create Rule screen so we can choose the conditions for this email.  Depending upon how you have your mail set up (Exchange, Gmail, etc) will determine what to select for the conditions.  Most of the time I set the rule by sender to one of my email addresses.  Also, you can add visual and sound notifications.  After you have selected the conditions the next thing to click is “Move the item to folder”.

这将打开“创建规则”屏幕,因此我们可以选择此电子邮件的条件。 根据您的邮件设置方式(Exchange,Gmail等),将确定要为条件选择的内容。 大多数情况下,我将发件人的规则设置为我的一个电子邮件地址。 另外,您可以添加视觉和声音通知。 选择条件后,接下来要单击的是“将项目移动到文件夹”。


Now browse the folder location you want the email to be sent to or create a new one.



Click OK in the Create Rule window then OK on the following confirmation dialog box.  That’s it, now all daily emails will be sent to a specific folder.

在“创建规则”窗口中单击“确定”,然后在以下确认对话框中单击“确定”。 就是这样,现在所有日常电子邮件都将发送到特定文件夹。


This is just one of many helpful rules you can create in Outlook to stay organized.


Also Related:  https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/use-outlook-rules-to-prevent-oh-no-after-sending-emails/

也相关: https : //www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/use-outlook-rules-to-prevent-oh-no-after-sending-emails/

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80115/automatically-move-daily-emails-to-specific-folders-in-outlook-2/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culintai3473/article/details/108770963
