
2021-10-09 00:00:00 word 文档 缩小


Have you ever written a Microsoft Word document and found that your last page contains just a few sentences and a bunch of white space? Instead of editing your work down, you can try a nifty hidden feature in Word that might solve the problem.

您是否曾经写过Microsoft Word文档,发现您的最后一页仅包含几句话和一堆空白? 您可以尝试在Word中尝试一些漂亮的隐藏功能,而不用自行编辑工作,以解决问题。

The “Shrink One Page” command works by automatically sizing down your text and adjusting margins to shrink your document just enough. If you’re working on a document (like a school essay) where you must use a required font or margin size, this command probably won’t work well for you. But in other circumstances, it’s worth giving a try. While you can undo the command if things don’t look right, we’d encourage you to save your document first to be on the safe side.

“缩小一页”命令的工作方式是自动缩小文本大小并调整页边距以恰好缩小文档。 如果您要处理的文档(例如学校论文)必须使用必需的字体或边距大小,则此命令可能对您不起作用。 但是在其他情况下,值得尝试一下。 虽然您可以在情况不正常时撤消命令,但我们建议您先保存文档以确保安全。

The “Shrink One Page” command isn’t on the Ribbon by default, so you’ll need to add it. The easiest way to do this is to add it to your Quick Access Toolbar. That’s the little toolbar at the top left of your window with the Save and Undo command.

默认情况下,“缩小一页”命令不在功能区上,因此您需要添加它。 最简单的方法是将其添加到快速访问工具栏中。 那是带有保存和撤消命令的窗口左上方的小工具栏。

Go ahead and click the down arrow at the far right of the Quick Access Toolbar.



On the drop-down menu, click the “More Commands” option.



In the Word Options window, the “Quick Access Toolbar” category should already be selected on the left. On the right, click the “Choose Commands From” drop-down menu and select the “All Commands” option.

在“ Word选项”窗口中,应该已经在左侧选择了“快速访问工具栏”类别。 在右侧,单击“选择命令来源”下拉菜单,然后选择“所有命令”选项。


On the long list of commands on the left, scroll down and select the “Shrink One Page” command. Click the “Add” button to add it to the list of commands shown on the Quick Access Toolbar.

在左侧的一长串命令中,向下滚动并选择“缩小一页”命令。 单击“添加”按钮将其添加到快速访问工具栏上显示的命令列表中。


Click “OK” when you’re done.



You’ll now find the “Shrink One Page” button on your Word ribbon. Click it to shrink your document by one page.

现在,您将在Word功能区上找到“缩小一页”按钮。 单击它可以将文档缩小一页。


Keep in mind that because Word is resizing fonts and margins, using this command can cause formatting issues—especially if you have images or other illustrations already positioned where you want them. Before saving your document, check it to make sure that no weird errors occurred during the process. If there are, you can always click the undo button to remove the changes.

请记住,由于Word正在调整字体和边距的大小,因此使用此命令可能会导致格式问题,尤其是如果您已将图像或其他插图放置在所需位置时。 在保存文档之前,请检查它以确保在此过程中没有发生任何奇怪的错误。 如果有的话,您可以随时单击“撤消”按钮删除更改。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368623/how-to-automatically-shrink-your-microsoft-word-document-by-one-page/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cum44153/article/details/109042779
