
2021-09-23 00:00:00 垫片 螺母 螺丝




If you have some stray screws and bolts (a.k.a. fasteners) lying around and aren’t quite sure what size they are, or if you need to replace a missing bolt on a piece of machinery and need to know what size to get, here are some methods to easily figure that out.


前往五金店 (Check Out the Hardware Store)


Most (if not all) hardware stores have sizing plates that you can test your fasteners on, with both male and female options, as well as imperial and metric.


Lowe’s has one off to the side at the very end of the aisle (pictured above). It’s almost sort of hidden, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of DIYers didn’t know it was there to begin with.

劳氏在过道的尽头有一个侧面(如上图所示)。 它几乎是隐藏的,所以如果很多DIY都不知道它是从那里开始的,我不会感到惊讶。

The only downside to using these in-store sizing plates is that you can’t just bring in your engine that needs a new bolts, hoist it up onto the sizing plate and start checking different sizes—that’s usually impractical, and sometimes impossible. So something like this only works with bolts and nuts that you can bring with you to the store, but not all hope is lost!

使用这些店内定尺板的唯一弊端是,您不能只带入需要新螺栓的发动机,将其提升到定尺板上并开始检查不同的尺寸,这通常是不切实际的,有时甚至是不可能的。 因此,此类操作仅适用于您可以带到商店的螺栓和螺母,但并非所有希望都消失了!

购买您自己的上浆板和穿线检查器 (Buy Your Own Sizing Plates & Thread Checkers)


If you plan on using them a lot, it might be worth it to invest in some sizing plates and thread checkers for yourself, some of which you can use on that engine as discussed above.


Your best bet is to buy a complete set of nut and bolt thread checkers, which come in individual pieces for each size (as well as male and female options), making them ideal for figuring out the bolt size needed on big machinery with not a lot of room to work with.

最好的选择是购买一整套螺母和螺栓螺纹检验器 ,每种尺寸都有单独的零件(以及公母选项),使其非常适合计算大型机械所需的螺栓尺寸,而无需有很多工作空间。

Alternatively, you can buy sizing plates, which are much cheaper, but only include female terminals. So you wouldn’t be able to check the size of nuts, for instance—just screws and bolts.

另外,您可以购买便宜得多的定径板 ,但只包括母端子。 因此,您将无法检查螺母的大小,例如,仅检查螺钉和螺栓。

免费打印尺寸表 (Print Out Size Charts for Free)


The poor man’s version of sizing plates and thread checkers are size charts that you can print out at home. The Bolt Depot has some excellent charts that you can print off for both imperial and metric fasteners, as well as nuts and washers.

可怜的人的上浆板和螺纹检查器是您可以在家打印的尺码表。 螺栓仓库有一些出色的图表 ,您可以打印出英制和公制紧固件以及螺母和垫圈。

The important thing here is that you need to print them out at actual size. So if your printer has an option like “Fit to Page”, you’ll need to uncheck that so there’s no downscaling. Once you’ve taken care of that, though, you’re off to the races, and can begin figuring out the sizes of your stray fasteners.

这里重要的是您需要以实际尺寸打印出来。 因此,如果您的打印机具有“适合页面”之类的选项,则需要取消选中该选项,这样就不会缩小尺寸。 不过,一旦您做好了准备,便可以参加比赛了,可以开始计算流失紧固件的尺寸了。

One downside to this method is that you have to eyeball it instead of actually screwing the fastener into a physical thread checker—so it’s much less accurate.


For example, I overlaid a bolt onto the print-out chart to see if I could figure out what size it was. It seemed to fit the best with the #10-32 model, but #8-32 was pretty darn close as well. At that point, it would probably be best to get the bolt in both sizes and try them out.

例如,我在打印输出图表上覆盖了一个螺栓,以查看是否可以确定它的尺寸。 它似乎最适合#10-32型号,但#8-32也非常接近。 到那时,可能最好同时获得两种尺寸的螺栓并尝试一下。

Title image from Basil Arteomov/Flickr

标题图片来自Basil Arteomov / Flickr

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318092/how-to-figure-out-the-size-of-screws-bolts-and-nuts/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culunyi0802/article/details/108840330
