
2021-01-07 00:00:00 固定 文件夹 工具栏




Windows doesn’t allow you to pin folders directly to the taskbar. There is an easy workaround, though. All you have to do is create a new shortcut to a folder and then pin that shortcut to the taskbar.

Windows不允许您将文件夹直接固定到任务栏。 不过,有一个简单的解决方法。 您要做的就是为文件夹创建一个新的快捷方式,然后将该快捷方式固定在任务栏上。

You can customize the Windows taskbar to your liking in a lot of ways, but for some reason pinning a folder directly to your taskbar isn’t one of them. Sure, the jump list for File Explorer lets you view recent folders and pin the ones you like to the list, but that isn’t quite as handy as having an important folder front and center. Fortunately, you can pin a shortcut to the taskbar, and making a shortcut to a folder is simple. We’re using Windows 10 as an example in this article, but the same basic procedure works in Windows 7 and 8.

您可以通过多种方式自定义Windows任务栏 ,但出于某些原因,将文件夹直接固定到任务栏并不是其中一种。 当然,文件资源管理器的跳转列表使您可以查看最近的文件夹并将所需的文件夹固定到列表中,但这并不像拥有重要的文件夹在前和居中那样方便。 幸运的是,您可以将快捷方式固定到任务栏,并且对文件夹进行快捷操作很简单。 本文以Windows 10为例,但在Windows 7和Windows 8中也可以使用相同的基本步骤。

 Right-click anywhere on the desktop or in File Explorer and choose “New > Shortcut” from the context menu.



On the first page of the “Create Shortcut” wizard, click the “Browse” button to locate the folder you want to pin. After selecting the folder, however, don’t click “Next” just yet.

在“创建快捷方式”向导的第一页上,单击“浏览”按钮以找到要固定的文件夹。 但是,选择文件夹后,请不要单击“下一步”。


Now add “Explorer” (without the quotes) followed by a space before the folder path you selected. After that, go ahead and click the “Next” button.

现在添加“ Explorer”(不带引号),然后在您选择的文件夹路径之前添加一个空格。 之后,继续并单击“下一步”按钮。


Type a name for the shortcut and then click “Finish” to create the shortcut in the location you chose.



Now, you can drag the shortcut to the taskbar to pin it there.



If you like, you can even change the icon for the shortcut to something that makes more sense to you—or at least make it more distinct from the regular File Explorer icon. Ideally, you should do this before pinning the shortcut to the taskbar, but if you’ve already pinned it, that’s okay. Just unpin it, change the icon, and then pin it again.

如果愿意,您甚至可以将快捷方式的图标更改为对您更有意义的名称,或者至少使其与常规“文件资源管理器”图标更加不同。 理想情况下,应该在将快捷方式固定到任务栏之前执行此操作,但是,如果您已经固定了它,那就可以了。 只需取消固定,更改图标,然后再次固定即可。

Right-click the original shortcut you created (not the icon on the taskbar) and then choose “Properties” from that menu.



On the “Shortcut” tab of the properties window, click the “Change Icon” button.



Choose an icon from the list—or click “Browse” to locate your own icon file—and then click “OK.”



Drag the shortcut to the taskbar to pin it and you’ll have a pinned shortcut with your new icon.



Yes, it would be simpler if Windows would just let us drag folders to the taskbar, but even though it takes a few extra steps, this method works just fine.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/281048/how-to-pin-folders-to-the-windows-taskbar/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culunyi0802/article/details/108840899
