word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格

2020-10-30 00:00:00 空格 替换 中将

《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》


《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

If you find yourself in possession of a Word document where someone has typed two spaces between every sentence and you need to change those to use just one space, Word makes it easy to do a find and replace that changes all instances with a single command. Here’s how to do it.

如果您发现自己拥有一个Word文档,其中有人在每个句子之间键入了两个空格,而您需要将其更改为仅使用一个空格,则Word可以轻松地查找并用单个命令替换所有更改的实例。 这是操作方法。

无论如何,单空格和双空格有什么关系? (What’s the Deal with Single and Double Spaces, Anyway?)

The single or double space between sentences argument has been an ongoing one for decades. Traditional, pre-digital typesetting required the use of double-spacing after periods and colons. This was largely due to the limitations of now-antiquated technology and was the standard style taught by most schools until around 20 years ago. With the advent of digital printing, the need for double spaces isn’t really a thing, anymore. But a lot of people still adhere to the practice.

句子之间的单空格或双空格争论已经持续了数十年。 传统的前数字排版需要在句号和冒号后使用双倍间距。 这在很大程度上是由于现在过时的技术的局限性,并且是大约20年前大多数学校所采用的标准样式。 随着数字印刷的到来,不再需要双空格。 但是很多人仍然坚持这种做法。

Even style guides don’t universally agree. The latest editions of the Chicago Manual of Style and MLA both suggest a single space. The APA guidelines currently suggest two spaces, but even they have gone back and forth over the years.

甚至样式指南也并非所有人都同意。 最新版本的《芝加哥时尚手册》和MLA都建议使用单个空格。 APA指​​南目前建议使用两个空格,但是多年来它们一直来回移动。

In the end, it’s all about your preference on personal documents, or the agreed-upon house style if you’re writing or editing documents for a school, business, or publisher. We’re not here to tell you which you should prefer.

最后,这全都取决于您对个人文档的偏爱,或者如果您要为学校,企业或出版商编写或编辑文档,则取决于您同意的房屋风格。 我们并不是要告诉您您更喜欢哪个。

However, if you do find yourself working on a document where someone has used two spaces after periods and you want there to be only one, it’s quick and easy to change them all in Word.


如何将双空格更改为单空格 (How to Change Double Spaces to Single Spaces)

If you don’t have any text selected when you start this process, Word will search your entire document for double spaces. If you want to search only a specific part of a document, go ahead and select that text before you start.

如果在开始此过程时未选择任何文本,Word将在整个文档中搜索双倍空格。 如果您只想搜索文档的特定部分,请在开始之前继续并选择该文本。

Note that Word will search for all instances of two spaces—not just spaces between sentences. This means, for example, that if Word finds a place where someone has used five spaces instead of a tab to align text, it will replace some of those double spaces. For that reason, especially in longer documents, it’s usually safer to perform this procedure on bits of selected text at a time rather than your whole document.

请注意,Word将搜索两个空格的所有实例,而不仅仅是句子之间的空格。 例如,这意味着,如果Word找到某个人使用五个空格而不是使用制表符对齐文本的位置,它将替换其中一些双精度空格。 因此,尤其是在较长的文档中,一次对选定的文本位而不是整个文档执行此过程通常更安全。

《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

On the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the “Replace” button over on the far right to open the Find and Replace window. You can also just press Ctrl+H.

在功能区的“主页”选项卡上,单击最右边的“替换”按钮以打开“查找和替换”窗口。 您也可以只按Ctrl + H。

《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

You’ll now find yourself in the Find and Replace window, on the “Replace” tab. Type two spaces into the “Find What” box, and then type one space into the “Replace With” box. Basically, we’re telling Word to search the document for all instances of double spaces and replace each with a single space.

现在,您将在“替换”选项卡上的“查找和替换”窗口中找到自己。 在“查找内容”框中键入两个空格,然后在“替换为”框中键入一个空格。 基本上,我们要让Word在文档中搜索所有双精度空格的实例,并用单个空格替换每个实例。

If you want to go ahead and replace everything it finds, go ahead and click the “Replace All” button. You can also click your way through the document with the “Find Next” button if you want to check each instance before replacing it. That part is up to you.

如果要继续并替换找到的所有内容,请继续并单击“全部替换”按钮。 如果要在替换每个实例之前检查每个实例,也可以使用“查找下一个”按钮在文档中单击。 那部分取决于你。

《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

If you clicked the “Replace All” button and let Word search your whole document, you’ll see a simple notification telling you the number of replacements that Word made.


《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

If you searched only a selection of your document, Word will also offer to search the rest of the document for you.


《word中将空格替换为_如何在Microsoft Word中将双空格更改为单空格》

Either way, all the instances of the double spaces in your document or selection should now be corrected to a single space.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/359789/how-to-change-double-spaces-to-single-spaces-in-microsoft-word/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cumai3211/article/details/109041620
