Python从入门到放弃(Mac) -

2023-01-31 05:01:27 python 入门 放弃

1. First of all, install python, I chose the latest version. Download: 首先安装啦,下载地址如左

2. Run terminal with command python as below: 然后打开你的终端,不知道在哪里就在launchpad搜索terminal然后固定在dock吧

3. Then you can type python command in terminal directly, as below: 然后你就可以在终端直接敲python命令啦,如下直接用python进行简单的计算

4. Exit() can exist python as below: 退出的方式如下:

5. First program: hello world! 你的第一个python hello world

    method 1: 方法1,直接在终端直接敲python代码,然后直接执行

    run terminal and type python as below:

method 2: 方法2,新建python文档

