
2023-01-31 02:01:56 LinuxCBT

  e. day of the week (Sun, Mon, Tue, etc. OR 0-7)
  f. command to execute (shell, perl, PHP, etc.)
 3. Wakes up every minute in search of programs to execute
 4. Reads cron entries from multiple files
 5. Maintains per-user and system-wide (/etc/crontab

cron.deny - denies cron executinb by user
cron.monthly/ - runs jobs monthly
cron.weekly/  - runs jobs weekly
cron.daily/   - runs jobs daily
cron.hourly/  - runs jobs hourly
crontab       - contains system-wide scheduers

Note: '*' wildcard in a time column means to run for all values

Per-user Crontabs:
Stored in: /var/spool/cron

 1. Create a cron entry for the user 'student1'
  a. 'su student1'
  b. 'crontab -e'
  c. create an entry, minus the name of the user

Note: 'crontab -l' enumerates per-user cront entries

System-wide Crontab:
Stored in: /etc/crontab

 1. Create a cron entry in: /etc/crontab

Note: 'crontab -l -u username' - enumerates per-usercron entries


 1. Handles logging
 2. Unix Domain Sockets (/dev/log)
 3. Internet Sockets (UDP:514)
 4. Ability to log to local and remote targets

Implented as 'sysklogd' package

Primary configure file: /etc/syslog.conf

Standard syslog.conf file contains:
 1. Rules
  a. facilities -> applications/daemons/network device/etc.
  b. levels -> Importance of message
   Range: 0-7
    7 = emergency
    6 = alert
    5 = critical
    4 = error
    3 = warning
    2 = notice
    1 = info
    0 = debug (more infORMation)

 2. Targets
  a. file - /var/log/messages
  b. tty - /dev/console
  c. remotes host - @IP_ADDR_of_REMOTE_HOST

'*' = catchall/wildcard to mean any facilities or level
'.none' = exclusion rule

'man syslog.conf' to learn about the support facilities.levels

 1. Enable UDP logging for remote Cisco gateway (
  a. netstat -nul | grep 514 - reveals UDP:514 listener
  b. nano /etc/sysconfig/syslog
   b1. 'SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -r"
  c. restart syslog and confirm UDP:514 listener
   c1. 'service syslog restart'
   c2. 'netstat -nul | grep 514'
  d. Configure the router using facility 'local0' and level 'info'
  e. configure /etc/syslog.conf to accept ''
  f. restart or reload 'syslog'

###Log Rotation###

 1. Rotation of logs based on criteria
  a. size
  b. age (daily, weekly, monthly)
 2. Compression
 3. Maintain logs for a defined period

/etc/logrotate.conf - primary (global) config file for all logs
 - can be overriden by context-sensitive files. i.e. apache
 run 'man logrotate' to get help paper
/etc/logrotate.d - directory for logs to be rotated
 -Httpd - used to rotate Apache logs

/var/log/httpdsample/* to /etc/* and /var/named/
  c. Modify /etc/named.conf - disable DDNS_KeyGen sections
  d. Start the server -service named start

 4. Query the server
  a. dig @localhost
   a1. Returns: question, answer, authoritative DNS servers, query time
  b. nslookup OR nslookup - server -

Note: The server has cached:, evidenced by the decrementing TTL value for the various record associated with the zone
  c. host - also preforms a lookup

Note: /etc/resolv.conf controls the DNS servers that are consulted by lookup tools such as: WEB browser, GFTP, LFTP, nslookup, dig, host, etc.

  d. dig MX - queries the domain for mail exchangers

Note: DNS is organized into an inverted tree, with '.' representing the root of the DNS tree. e.g.

 -- . = root
   -- .com = top level
     -- .linuxgenius = second level
       -- mail = third level
Note: A trailing '.' in a DNS query is implied, and may optionally be indicated if desired in any standard Internet application (web browser, FTP client, wget, nslookup, dig, host, etc.)

 4. Start 'named' as a caching-only DNS server (Default)
  a. service named start
  b. dig @' - forces a caching-only lookup query

Primary & Secondary Zones:
 1. Ability to service zones
 b. Authoritative support for a zone

 1. Create internal zone name 'linuxcbt.internal'
  a. modify /etc/named.conf to include the new zone
zone "linux.internal" IN {
    type master;
    file "linux.internal.db";
    allow-update { none; };
  b. create the corresponding zone file
  c. restart named
  d. test resolution of DNS primary zone

Note: Install 'caching-nameserver*' for Caching-only DNS server

 2. Create a slave (Secondary) server
  a. yum -y install bind
  b. copy sample files from primary server to secondary server
  c. modify /etc/named.conf and set 'linuxcbt.internal' zone to slave
  d. start named service ' service named start
  e. chkconfig --level 35 named on
  f. Update: /var/named/linux.internal.db to reflect new name server

 3. Create a primary zone on the 'secondary" server
  a. Create a zone for: linuxcbt.external - in /etc/named.conf
  b. copy/create 'linuxcbt.external.db' zone file
  c. setup 'linuxcbtserv4' to be a slave for the zone: linuxcbt.external

Forware IPv6 REcords:
Implemented primarily as AAAA records

Test IPv6 resolution using:
 1. ping6 linuxcbtrouter1.linuxcbt.internal
 2. dig @ linuxcbtrouter1.linuxcbt.internal

Reverse Zones:
 1. The ability to resolv a name, given an IPv4 or IPv6 address

 1. Define an IPv4 reverse zone for the local subnet:
  a. Define zone name: '' - /etc/named.conf
  b. Update: /etc/named.conf
  c. Create zone file in: /var/named
  d. update configuration
  e. restart named:wq
  f. test using 'dig @ -x'
Note: Reverse zones are built from the prefix in IPv4 subnets

IPv6 Reverse Zone:
 1. /etc/named.conf entry

zone "" IN {
        type master;
    file "named.ip6.local";
    allow-update { none; };

Note: IPv6 reverse zone names are in nibble fromat, with ALL zeros expanded for the network prefix portion of the address, which is usually 64-bits in length

 2. /var/named/zone_file
  a. Include entries using the last 64-bits or IPv6 host part       IN      PTR     rhel5-1.linux.internal.

Note: When creating reverse IPv6 entries for hosts, do the following:
 a. reverse the 64-bit portion of the address that corresponds to the host, expanding all zeros
 b. Create PTR record based on the reverse, nibble-format of the address

Test using dig
 a. dig -x @ 2002:4689:db23:3:202:b3ff:fe98:4108

###Network File System (NFS)###
 1. Transparent access to remote file systems
 2. Installed by default
 3. Uses rpc for communications

 1. Export a directory on the server using: /etc/exports
  a. /path_to_directory IP_ADDR(rw/ro)
  b. /nfs1
  c. mkdir /nfs1
  d. start NFS server - 'service nfs start'
  e. Confirm export(s) - 'exportfs -v'

Note: NFS matches remote user's UID to local /etc/passwd to determine ACLs

 2. Export /nfs2
  a. Create entry in /etc/exports
  b. Update current exports using: exportfs -a

 3. Mount both exports on a remote system
  a. mount -t nfs /nfs1
  b. mount -t nfs /nfs2

 4. Allow local 'root' user the ability to write to /nfs1 export
  a. /etc/exports: (rw, no_root_squash)

 5. Setup mount points so that they're available upon reboot
  a. /etc/fstab
  b. Umount and confirm that NFS mount points will be available when the client system changes runlevels ( reboots, starts, etc.) - 'mount -a'

showmount -a - shows mounts on this system (connected NFS clients)

 6. Attempt to mount /nfs1 and /nfs2 from an unauthorized system
  a. Fails because client's IP does not match server's /etc/exports
  b. Update server's /etc/exports to allow additionial hosts/subnet/etc.
  c. exportfs -a - to update the export table

 1. Automativally mounts file systems (NFS, local, SMBFS, etc.) upon I/O request

 1. autofs-*rpm must be installed

/etc/auto.master -primary configuration file /etc/
 - also contains mount points and their mappings
/etc/sysconfig/autofs - default setartup directives

Note: AutoFS must be running in order to auto-mount directories

 1. Create an automount for /shares, which will mount /nfs1 & /nfs2
  a. update /etc/auto.master - '/shares /etc/auto.shares'
  b. cp /etc/auto.misc /etc/auto.shares
  c. update the rules in /etc/auto.shares
  d. Create AutoFS tree: /shares/
  e. Restart the autofs service
  f. Umount /nfs1 & /nfs2 if necessary
Note: Do NOT auto-mount directories that are already mounted
  g. Test access to AutoFS controlled directory
   g1. 'ls -l /shares/nfs1'

Note: syntax for auto-mount files is as follows:
<mount-point>    [<options>]    <location>
nfs1        -fstype=nfs

 1. Provides windows features (file & print) on Linux | Unix

/etc/samba/smb.conf - primary config file

 1. findsmb - finds SMB hosts on the network
 2. smbtree - equivalent to Network Neighborhood/My Network Places (prints workgroups, hosts, and shares)
 3. smbget - similar to 'wget', in that, it will download file from the remote share
  a. smbget -u dean smb://linuxcbtwin1/mtemp/20070504.test

 4. smbclient - interactive (FTP-like) utility to connect to shares - permits uploads/ downloads from shares
  a. smbclient -U dean //linuxcbtwin2/mtemp
  b. mget file* - downloads file(s)
  c. mput file* - uploads file(s)

 5. smbtar - backs-up smb shares to a TAR arcHive
  a. smbtar -s linuxcbtwin1 -x mtemp -u dean -t backup1.tar

Samba Server:
/etc/samba/smb.conf - primary config file

SWAT manages /etc/samba/smb.conf

Samba Server Modes:
 1. User
  a. One Samba-defined user is required per Linux user
  b. Authentication of users is handled by Sambe server
 2. Server/Domain (PDC/BDC)
  a. Authentication is handled by the Windows NT/2K/2K3/2K8 server
  b. Still requires a local Samba-defined user accounts database
 3. ADS - Active directory
  a. authentication is handled by Active Directory
  2. When used with Winbind, locally-defined Samba users are NOT required

Note: Ultimately, users must authenticate to the local Linux file system

 1. Install SWAT
  a. yum -y install samba-swat
  b. nano /etc/xinetd.d/swat - set 'disable = no'
  c. service xinetd restart
  d. netstat -ntl | grep 901

/etc/samba/smbpasswd maps Windows users to /etc/passwd

 2. Install rdesktop and connect to Windows XP to test connectivity to Samba
  a. yum -y install rdesktop

 1. Windows AD intergration
 2. Avoids having to define users in 2 places: Windows, Linux
 3. Uses Kerberos for authentication

 1. krb5-* packages
 2. Properly configured Kerberos environment:
  a. /etc/krb5.conf

    default_realm = AD2.LINUXCBT.INTERNAL

        kdc = linuxcbtwin3.linuxcbt.internal
        admin_server = linuxcbtwin3

    .linuxcbtwin3.ad2.linuxcbt.internal = AD2.LINUXCBT.INTERNAL

 1. Update: /etc/krb5.conf
 2. Update Samba configuration to use ADS authentication
 3. Update Sambe server's DNS to point to ADS server
  a. /etc/resolv.conf
  b. /etc/hosts - including a pointer to ADS server (linuxcbtwin3)

 4. Join AD domain:
  a. 'net ads join -U administrator'
 5. Confirm AD membership using: 'Acrive Directory Users & computers' Tool

 6. Setup Winbind to authenticate using ADS:
  a. /etc/pam.d/system-auth - account & auth settings
  auth sufficient /lib/security/ - place before ''
  account sufficient /lib/security/

  b. /etc/nsswitch.conf
   passwd: files winbind
   group: files winbind

  c. Configure 'idmap' 'uid & gid' mappings - 10000 - 20000
   Use SWAT to update idmap settings for 'uid & gid'
Note: If you want ADS users to be able to loGon to your Samba-Winbind Linux box using ssh, Telnet, mingetty, etc., change 'Template Shell' directive to a valid shell, i.e. /bin/bash

  d. Create 'Template homedir' $D (Domain) directory beneath '/home'
   mkdir /home/LINUXGENIUS

 7. Test Winbind Integration using: wbinfo
  a. wbinfo -u - this enumerates users in AD
  b. wbinfo -g - this enumerates groups in AD
  c. ssh into LINUXCBTSERV1 (Winbind) as ADS user

 1. Authenticate using ADS, as 'administrator' from Windows box
 2. Create a user named 'linuxcbt' in AD
 3. Create shared directory on the Samba box, and provide access (Share it)

###Apache Web Server###
 1. WWW Web Server
 2. Modular

 1. Install Apache 2.2x
  a. httpd*.rpm

/etc/httpd - top-level configuration container on RH5
/etc/httpd/conf - primary configuration directory

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - primary Apache configuration file

/etc/httpd/conf.d - drop in configuration directory, read by Apache upon startup

 2. Explorer: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

  a. HTTPD run as: apache:apache
  b. Apache maintains, always, a 'main' server, which is independent of Virtual Hosts. This server is a catch-all for traffic that doesn't match any of the defined virtual hosts.

  c. <Directory> directove governs file system access
Note: The primary Apache process runs as 'root', and has access to the full file system. Homever, <Directory> directive restricts the web-user's view of the file system

  d. Test access to '.ht*' file from web root

  e. Errorlog logs/error_log - default error log file for ALL hosts
  f. logs/access_log - default log file for default server

Note: Every directory, outside of the 'DocumentRoot' should have at least one: <Directory> directive defined.

 3. Start Appache and continue to explore
  a. service httpd start
root      2861     1  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2863  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2864  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2865  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2866  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2867  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2868  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2869  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    2870  2861  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

Note: Parent Apache runs as 'root' and can see the entire file system
Note: However, children processes run as "apache" and can only see files/ directories that 'apache:apache' can see

 4. Create an Alias for content outside of the web root (/var/www/html)
  a. Alias /testalias1 /var/www/testalias1
<Directory /var/www/testalias1>
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

 5. Ensure that Apache will start when the system boots
  a. chkconfig --level 35 httpd on && chkconfig --list httpd

Virtual Hosts Configuration:
 1. Ability to share/serve content based on 1 or more IP addresses
 2. Supports 2 modes of Virtual Hosts:
  a. IP Based - one site per IP address
  b. Host header names - multiple sites per IP address

 1. Create IP Based Virtual Hosts
  a. ifconfig eth0:1
  b. Configure the Virtual Host:

    ServerAdmin webmaster@rhel5.linux.internal
    ServerName site1.linux.internal
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site1
    <Directory /var/www/site1>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    CustomLog logs/site1.linux.internal.access.log combined
    ErrorLog logs/site1.linux.internal.error.log

  c. Create: /var/www/site1 and content
  d. Update: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf with VHost information

 2. Create Name-based Virtual Hosts using the primary IP address
  a. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
    ServerAdmin webmaster@rhel5.linux.internal
    ServerName site3.linux.internal
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site3
    <Directory /var/www/site3>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    CustomLog logs/site3.linux.internal.access.log combined
    ErrorLog logs/site3.linux.internal.error.log

###Apache with SSL Support###
 1. Sccure/Encrypted communications

 1. httpd
 2. openssl
 3. mod_ssl
 4. crypto-utils (genkey) - used to generate certificates/private keys/CSRs
  a. also used to create a sself-signed certificate

 1. Install the requirements
  a. mod_ssl - module for Apache, which provides SSL support
  yum -y install mod_ssl
  /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf - includes key SSL directives

  b. crypto-utils - provies /usr/bin/genkey

 2. Generate SSL usage keys using: genkey
  a. genkey site1.linuxcbt.internal - creates text-gui interface

 3. Update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to reference the new keys (public/private)

 4. Restart the HTTPD server
  a. service httpd restart
  b. httpd -S

 5. Test https connectivity

Note: For mutliple SSL sites, copy the: /etc/httpd/confid/ssl.conf file to distinct file, that match your distinct IP-based VHosts

 1. DBMS Engine
 2. Compabtible with various frout-ends:
  a. Perl
  b. php
  c. ODBC
  d. GUI Management

 1. Install mysql Client & Server
  a. yum -y install mysql

/etc/my.cnf - primary config file
/usr/bin/mysql - primary client used to interact with the server
/usr/bin/mysqladmin - primary admin utility to returns sueful info, and perform admin tasks from the shell
