A: 90--100
B: 80--89
C: 70--79
D: 60--69
E: < 60
- [root@Centos6 20130113]# cat
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- print "This script make you input your number \n"
- print "Then will show your level..."
- def compare(number):
- if number > 100:
- print "Your input is too high"
- elif number >=90 and number <= 100:
- print "Your Level is A"
- elif number >=80 and number < 90:
- print "Your Level is B"
- elif number >=70 and number < 80:
- print "Your Level is C"
- elif number >=60 and number < 70:
- print "Your Level is D"
- elif number < 60:
- print "You not pass"
- def main():
- while True:
- number=raw_input("Please input your number:")
- if number.isdigit():
- Input=int(number)
- print "Your input is ",Input
- compare(Input)
- print "Press Ctrl + C to exit..."
- else:
- print "Please input character ..."
- print "Press Ctrl + C to exit..."
- main()
- [root@centos6 20130113]# ./
- This script make you input your number
- Then will show your level...
- Please input your number:100
- Your input is 100
- Your Level is A
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:99
- Your input is 99
- Your Level is A
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:88
- Your input is 88
- Your Level is B
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:77
- Your input is 77
- Your Level is C
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:66
- Your input is 66
- Your Level is D
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:55
- Your input is 55
- You not pass
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:-100
- Please input character ...
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number:ijdf
- Please input character ...
- Press Ctrl + C to exit...
- Please input your number: