英语每日听写练习 Day 3

2023-01-31 01:01:08 英语 每日 听写

Talk about holiday


My favorite part was playing volleyball on the beach, if I could, I would be at the beach everyday.

Remember when the ball hit that lady sitting close to us.

Yes, that was scary. If you had not completely the ball, it wouldn't have hit her.

Whatever, you know that she was sitting away too close to us. If she had moved, she would have been saved.

Her boyfriend Got really angry. I thought he was going to beat you up. I would have backed you up if he had tried anything.

Sure, why don't I believe you. As soon as her boyfriend showed up, you ran out off for a swim.

If you think I am chicken, then you are wrong.

Anyway, it was great trip, I'd like to go back next year if we can.



If you had not completely the ball, it wouldn't have hit her.
If she had moved, she would have been saved.
I would have backed you up if he had tried anything.

whatever: ex-company有个鬼佬很喜欢说这个词,常说这个的人,性格都比较大大咧咧,I guess.

Chicken: 胆小鬼
