Cisco Switches/Route
1. Enable secure Telnet access to a router user interface, and consider using Secure shell (ssh) instead of Telnet.
2. Enable SNMP security, particularly adding SNMPv3 support.
3. Turn off all unnecessary services on the router platfORM ( AutoSecure ).
4. Turn on logging to provide an audit trail.
5. Enable routing protocol authentication.
6. Enable the CEF forwarding path to avoid using flow-based paths like fast switching.
7. Using RPF Checks
R1(config)# ip cef
R1(config)# int s0/0
R1(config-if)# ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx allow-default
8. Using ACL to prevent tcp SYN Flood from outside
ip access-list extended prevent-syn
permit tcp any established
deny tcp any
permit (whatever)
interface s0/0 # Internet faced port
ip access-group prevent-syn in
Notes: The above ACL works well when clients outside a network are not allowed to make TCP connections into the network. However, in cases where some inbound TCP connections are allowed, this ACL cannot be used. Another Cisco iOS feature, called TCP intercept, provides an alternative that allows TCP connections into the network, but monitors those TCP connections for TCP SYN attacks.
ip access-list extended match-tcp-from-internet
permit tcp any
ip tcp intercept-list match-tcp-from-internet
ip tcp intercept mode watch
ip tcp intercept watch-timeout 20
9.Cisco IOS Firewall CBAC
ip inspect name CLASSIC_FW icmp timeout 10
ip inspect name CLASSIC_FW tcp timeout 30
ip inspect name CLASSIC_FW udp timeout 30
ip access-list extended IOS_FW
deny ip any any
interface Serial0/0 #Internet faced interface
ip address
ip access-group IOS_FW in
ip inspect CLASSIC_FW out
10. Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewall
In this example, the network administrators have decided to apply the following policies to traffic from the LAN zone Going through the WAN zone:
■ Only traffic from the LAN subnet is allowed.
■ Http traffic to corporate WEB-based intranet servers is allowed.
■ All other HTTP traffic is allowed but policed to 1 Mbps.
■ ICMP is blocked.
■ For all other traffic, the TCP and UDP timeouts must be lowered to 300 seconds.
Follow these steps to configure ZFW:
Step 1: Decide the zones you will need, and create them on the router.
Branch1(config)# zone security LAN
Branch1(config-sec-zone)# description LAN zone
Branch1(config)# zone security WAN
Branch1(config-sec-zone)# description WAN zone
Step 2: Decide how traffic should travel between the zones, and create zone-pairs on the router.
Branch1(config)# zone-pair security Internal source LAN destination WAN
Branch1(config)# zone-pair security External source WAN destination LAN
Step 3: Create class maps to identify the inter-zone traffic that must be inspected by the firewall.
Branch1(config)# ip access-list extended LAN-Subnet
Branch1(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any
Branch1(config-ext-nacl)# ip access-list extended Web_Servers
Branch1(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp host
Branch1(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp host
Branch1(config-ext-nacl)# class-map type inspect match-all Corp_Servers
Branch1(config-cmap)# match access-group name Web_Servers
Branch1(config-cmap)# match protocol http
Branch1(config-cmap)# class-map type inspect Other_HTTP
Branch1(config-cmap)# match protocol http
Branch1(config-cmap)# match access-group name LAN_Subnet
Branch1(config-cmap)# class-map type inspect ICMP
Branch1(config-cmap)# match protocol icmp
Branch1(config-cmap)# class-map type inspect Other_Traffic
Branch1(config-cmap)# match access-group name LAN_Subnet
Branch1(config)# parameter-map type inspect Timeouts
Branch1(config-profile)# tcp idle-time 300
Branch1(config-profile)# udp idle-time 300
Step 4: Assign policies to the traffic by creating policy maps and associating class maps with them.
Branch1(config-profile)# policy-map type inspect LAN2WAN
Branch1(config-pmap)# class type inspect Corp_Servers
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# inspect
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# class type inspect Other_HTTP
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# inspect
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# police rate 1000000 burst 8000
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# class type inspect ICMP
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# drop
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# class type inspect Other_Traffic
Branch1(config-pmap-c)# inspect Timeouts
Step 5: Assign the policy maps to the appropriate zone-pair.
Branch1(config)# zone-pair security Internal source LAN destination WAN
Branch1(config-sec-zone-pair)# service-policy type inspect LAN2WAN
Step 6: Assign interfaces to zones. An interface may be assigned to only one security zone.
Branch1(config)# interface fa 0/0
Branch1(config-if)# zone-member security LAN
Branch1(config-if)# interface s0/0/0
Branch1(config-if)# zone-member security WAN