
2023-01-31 01:01:31 英语口语
1 很抱歉,那不行。
i am sorry that is not allowed
2  你昨天没来参加新年晚会,你去哪了, 我在收拾东西准备去泰国旅游呢
you didn't show up at last night's new year party, where were you ? i was picking up for my trip to thailand
3  人们是怎么过元旦的,圣诞节又有什么活动呢
how do people celebrate new year' Day ? what  activities are there on the christmas day?
network administrator / network engineer  is a very challenging job
5  物价不稳定,正在上涨/下跌 ,政府已经制定了心的计划了
prices anre not stable ,price are Gong up /down ,the goverment has drawn up a new plan
6  最近政府调整了经济发展计划
recently,the goverment has adjusted its economic development program
7  你的工资够你在哪儿的开销么
is your salary enough to cover your running expenses there?
8  说实话,我今天心情不太好,我想这得归咎于文化差异
to be honest ,i am not in a good mood today , i guess you could call it cultural shock
9 身在异乡的外国人有时会觉得国外的一切与家乡是那么的不同,这让他们无比郁闷
people who live in foreign countries sometimes feel everything being very different to their home country, and they get frustrated with it
10 今年的棉花产量比去年翻了一翻
the production of cotton has doubled in two years
we have produced twice as much cotton  this year as last year
