Akka 3 Akka actor 与

2023-01-31 01:01:33 actor Akka

经常有人问: Akka的Actor和Scala的Actor有什么不同?这里的回答是,从actor 模型角度讲,没什么不同,它们都实现了actor model.

Akka actors and Scala actors are two implementations of that model.

All Actor model says that your concurrency primitives are actors, which can:

  • receive a message and decide what to do next depending on the content of the message, including:

  • send messages to any actors they know about

  • create new actors

and provides certain guarantees, e.g.:

  • any actor will only handle a single message at a time

  • messages sent by actor X to actor Y will arrive in the order thay were sent

There is no difference between Scala and Akka actors on this level.


