""" 皮蛋编程(https://www.pidancode.com) 创建日期:2022/3/29 功能描述:自定义python的类InMemoryZip,可以在内存压缩文件为zip """ import io import os import zipfile class InMemoryZip: """ Basic idea behind was to be able to transfer single files or or a folder (with sub folders) as zipped memory via communication to another machine. """ def __init__(self, data=None): """ creating an in memory file (zip archive) """ self.inMemory = io.BytesIO() if data: self.setData(data) def getData(self): """ retrieving the whole file as buffer """ self.inMemory.seek(0) return self.inMemory.read() def setData(self, data): """ creating new in memory file wit new content """ self.inMemory = io.BytesIO() self.inMemory.write(data) def append(self, pathAndFileName): """ adding a file or a path (recursive) to the zip archive in memory """ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.inMemory, "a", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, False) if os.path.isfile(pathAndFileName): zf.write(pathAndFileName) else: path = pathAndFileName for root, folders, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: fullName = os.path.join(root, file) zf.write(fullName) def saveAs(self, pathAndFileName): """ does save the in memory zip archive to a file """ file = open(pathAndFileName, "wb") file.write(self.getData()) file.close() def readFrom(self, pathAndFileName): """ reading a file expected to be a ZIP file """ self.setData(open(pathAndFileName, "rb").read()) def extractAllAt(self, path): """ does extract all files in memory below given path; the underlying zipfile module is clever enough to create the necessary path if not existing """ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.inMemory) zf.extractall(path) def listContent(self): """ getting list of zip files entries (ZipInfo instances) """ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.inMemory) return zf.infolist() def test(): zm = InMemoryZip() zm.append(".") zm.saveAs("InMemoryZip_test.zip") zm2 = InMemoryZip(zm.getData()) zm2.extractAllAt("./tmp") zm3 = InMemoryZip() zm3.readFrom("InMemoryZip_test.zip") for entry in zm3.listContent(): print(entry.filename) if __name__ == "__main__": test()