""" 皮蛋编程( 创建日期:2022/3/31 功能描述:python从一组颜色中找出与给定颜色最接近的颜色 """ from colorsys import rgb_to_hsv colors = dict(( ((196, 2, 51), "RED"), ((255, 165, 0), "ORANGE"), ((255, 205, 0), "YELLOW"), ((0, 128, 0), "GREEN"), ((0, 0, 255), "BLUE"), ((127, 0, 255), "VIOLET"), ((0, 0, 0), "BLACK"), ((255, 255, 255), "WHITE"),)) def to_hsv(color): """ converts color tuples to floats and then to hsv """ return rgb_to_hsv(*[x / 255.0 for x in color]) # rgb_to_hsv wants floats! def color_dist(c1, c2): """ returns the squared euklidian distance between two color vectors in hsv space """ return sum((a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(to_hsv(c1), to_hsv(c2))) def min_color_diff(color_to_match, colors): """ returns the `(distance, color_name)` with the minimal distance to `colors`""" return min( # overal best is the best match to any color: (color_dist(color_to_match, test), colors[test]) # (distance to `test` color, color name) for test in colors) color_to_match = (255, 255, 0) print(min_color_diff(color_to_match, colors))
(0.0010679653124866502, 'YELLOW')