
2023-05-11 12:20:47 连接 检验 控制台


Console Test: Connecting C# Program with Redis

Redis is an open source, advanced key-value data store used for in-memory data storage and caching. It is well known as a robust and scalable NoSQL database. Connecting a C# application to a Redis server is a great way to use the power of Redis and make use of its features without much effort.

There are many ways to connect a C# software to a Redis server. However, the most strghtforward way is to use a console test that would allow us to connect to the Redis server and interact with it using C# code.

In order to do this test, one needs to have a C# project that contns all the code that is needed to connect to Redis. This project will contn four files:

1. Connect.cs – this file will have the code that connects C# to the Redis server

2. Transaction.cs – this file will handles the transactions needed for querying and pushing data to the Redis server

3. Output.cs – this class will display the data that is returned from the transactions

4. Program.cs – the mn program file which will run the tests and display the result

The Connect class is used to connect to the Redis server. The below code shows how to set up the configuration:

“` C#

public class Connect


public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection()


const string host = “myRedisServer.com”;

const int port = 6379;

var configString = string.Format(“{0}:{1},password=myPassword,ssl=True,abortConnect=False”, host, port);

ConfigurationOptions config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configString);

ConnectionMultiplexer connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config);

return connection;



The above code does the job of connecting to the Redis server. The Transaction class is used for making queries and pushing data to the Redis server. For example, the below code shows how to store a key-value pr using the Transaction class:

``` C#
public class Transaction
public void StoreData(string key, string value)
using (var redis = Connect.Connection())
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
db.StringSet(key, value);

The program.cs class is the mn method and it’s used to execute the tests and outputs the results. This is done by calling the Connect class and then constructing the Transaction class for running the tests. The Output class is then used for displaying the results of the tests.

In conclusion, connecting a C# application to Redis is a great way to make use of the powerful features of Redis without much effort. Setting up a console test is an easy way to check if your application is connected to Redis correctly and to determine if it is functioning properly. With a few lines of code, we can make sure that our application is properly interacting with the Redis server.
