
2023-05-11 06:09:27 缓存 高效 搭建

As a high-performance key-value database, Redis provides users with reliable, stable, and high-performance solutions in terms of data storage. Because of these advantages, the use of Redis cache has become an essential step in the development of web applications. In this paper, it is proposed to use Redis on the Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis (SSM) framework for caching, which is a simple but effective method.

To use Redis as a cache, we must first integrate Redis into the SSM environment. Specifically, a Jedis client needs to be used to access the Redis server. Here is the code:




After adding the Jedis dependency, we need to create a Jedis connection to the Redis server. The following code is an example of creating a Jedis connection. We can specify the host name, port number, and password of the Redis server:

// Create Jedis connection

String host = “localhost”;

int port = 6379;

String password = “password”;

Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port, password);

Once we have the Jedis connection, we should also add a configuration file to the Spring Contner to manage the various components of our application. The following is an example of the configuration file to configure Spring Contner with Redis cache:




The last step is to add code that allows Spring Contner to cache the data. We can do this by adding an annotation before the method:

//Annotate the method to use redis as cache

@Cacheable(value=”cacheName”, key=”userId”)

public Object getUserInfo(int userId){

//Retrieve the user info from DB


In this way, we can use the SSM framework to build our Redis cache and achieve a simple yet effective caching solution. By leveraging the powerful features of Redis and the versatility of the SSM framework, we can build a high-performance and reliable caching solution for web applications.
