
2023-05-10 07:27:32 数据 读取 快速

Nowadays, there are more and more applications make use of the data stored in Protobuf format. For example, Google protobuf is widely used in microservices. In order to reduce the time and space complexity to query the data, Redis is an effective method to store the protobuf data and quickly read it. The following is an example of how to implement it.

First thing first, we’ll need to install Redis and Protobuf depending on the platform you are using. After the installation is finished, we can start to configure the Redis server.

After the server is ready, we can move onto the development part. For example, let’s say we have some protobuf objects stored as byte stream in files. To store these objects in Redis, we can convert the byte stream into a string and use SET command to store it. Here is some sample code:

//Create the PB object from the byte stream

MyPBObject pbObject = ProtobufHelper.readFromFile();

//Get the string representation of the PB object

String key = ;

String value = protobufhelper.getString(pbObject);

//Store the String data in Redis

jedis.set(key, value);

Likewise, to retrieve the data from Redis, we can use the GET command to get the String data and then feed it to a Protobuf object using the ProtobufHelper.readFromString method. Here is the sample code:

// Get the String data from Redis

String value = jedis.get(key);

// Create a PB object from the String data

MyPBObject pbObject = ProtobufHelper.readFromString(value);

Finally, we can make use of the data stored in the Protobuf object for further analysis or other operations. By storing the Protobuf data in Redis, we can quickly read it from the Redis server, which will greatly reduce the time complexity.

In conclusion, Redis can be used to store protobuf data and quickly read it. With simple configuration and the usage of the ProtobufHelper, We can easily integrate Redis and protobuf. This will increase the efficiency for applications dealing with big data.
