
2023-05-09 12:10:00 星辰 洪荒 起名

The title of this essay is “Star Ocean and Redis in Unprecedented Way”. Redis, one of the most popular in-memory database solutions, is widely used in developing Internet applications. In addition to traditional data access and manipulation functions, it can also provide a wide range of data structure application functions, including time series, large sets, sorted set, data search, stream and graph.

“Star Ocean” is a complex and comprehensive distributed system created by tech giant Tencent. It is a high-performance, low-latency and highly avlable distributed system that can capture and transform large amounts of data across multiple data centers and users. It can handle tens of thousands of requests per second and support hundreds of millions of active users.

In order to meet the requirements of low latency and massive concurrent access, Tencent chose Redis to build the distributed system in “Star Ocean”. Redis is used to store and manage common data structures, and its data storage format is custom designed to meet the specific needs of “Star Ocean”.

In order to reduce the overhead of distributed system, Tencent optimizes the query and storage process of Redis. First, it takes advantage of Redis’ strong type checking capabilities to improve the storage access in “Star Ocean”. Second, Tencent delays the query process with asynchronous query methods, so that the user experience of distributed system is improved.

At the same time, Tencent also uses Redis audit and monitoring solution to ensure the security and stability of the distributed system when developers modify system parameters or data at runtime.

The combination of “Star Ocean” and Redis brings unprecedented performance and scalability benefits. It not only improves the system performance, but also ensures the stability and security of distributed system. Moreover, the powerful data structure application provided by Redis enables “Star Ocean” to support more complex and rich business scenarios.

Looking ahead, with the continuous development of distributed system, the combination of “Star Ocean” and Redis will become more and more popular, offering even greater opportunities for developers and businesses.


redisClient *c = redisConnect(“”, 6379);

if (!c) {

printf(“Redis connection fled.\n”);

return 0;


redisReply *reply;

reply = redisCommand(c, “set key %s”, “value”);

if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING) {

printf(“Operation success. \n”);

} else {

printf(“Operation fled.\n”);




