
2023-05-09 10:16:32 快照 强制 停止

Nowadays, more and more online companies have started using Redis. Redis has the advantage of single atomic operation for data such as sets and hashes, which makes distributed transactions more secure. However, if you’re running snapshots in Redis, it can sometimes be difficult to stop it cleanly.

In this case, the snapshot should be stopped immediately. However, it is not so easy to stop a running Redis snapshot. The following methods can help us to handle this situation when it arises.

The first way is to manually stop the snapshot. For example, the SYNC command in Redis will stop the snapshot from running. However, there is no guarantee that the snapshot will be stopped cleanly or whether the data will be saved. To ensure this, instead of using the SYNC command, the SHUTDOWN NOSAVE command should be used to stop the snapshot cleanly, without Data loss.

Another method that can be used is to use the `redis-sentinel`. Redis-sentinel will monitor the Redis and can be used to stop the snapshot by sending a `SHUTDOWN` command to the Redis server. This will ensure that the snapshot stops cleanly and the data is saved.

In addition to the two mentioned above, there are also some new technologies avlable that can be used to prevent Redis from being processed. Examples are Sentinel Pro and Redlock Pro. These technologies will monitor the state of Redis and if any snapshots are running in Redis, then a signal will be sent to the server and the snapshot will be stopped.

In conclusion, if a Redis snapshot needs to be stopped, there are many techniques and technologies avlable today that can help in this process. Unfortunately, the only way to guarantee a clean snapshot is to use the `SHUTDOWN NOSAVE` and `redis-sentinel`. Ultimately, it is up to the developer to choose the best method for their use case.
