
2022-01-30 00:00:00 http post internet-explorer php


Sorry if this is duplicate,I would think it would be but couldn't find anything.

我有一个 flex 应用程序,我通过 IE 将数据发布回 php/mysql 服务器.我还没有遇到任何问题,但提前知道这一点可能会为我省去很多挫折和工作.通过 http 发布数据是否有大小限制?

I have a flex application that I am posting data back to a php/mysql server via IE. I haven't run into any problems yet, but knowing this ahead of time might save me a bunch of frustration and work. Is there a size limit to posting data via http?




And it all goes back and forth what I'm able to find online. So please limit answers to personally tested/verified numbers.

我想发回一个很大的 XML 字符串(比如最大 5mb).

I am wanting to post back an XML string that can be quite large (say up to 5mb).

如果有什么不同:浏览器总是 IE(我们的产品需要它),post 来自 flex 中的 httpService,Web 服务器是 php,DB 是 mySql.

If it makes any difference: browser will always be IE (our product requires it), post is coming from and httpService in flex, web server is php, DB is mySql.


这取决于服务器配置.如果您在 Linux 或类似系统下使用 PHP,您可以使用 .htaccess 配置文件来控制它,如下所示:

It depends on a server configuration. If you're working with PHP under Linux or similar, you can control it using .htaccess configuration file, like so:

#set max post size
php_value post_max_size 20M


And, yes, I can personally attest to the fact that this works :)

如果您使用的是 IIS,我不知道您将如何设置此特定值.

If you're using IIS, I don't have any idea how you'd set this particular value.
