授权的 GAE 应用程序必须与数据库实例位于同一区域 |谷歌应用引擎

无法连接云端sql |谷歌应用引擎 |授权的 GAE 应用程序必须与数据库实例错误位于同一区域.

Unable to Connect to the cloud sql | Google App engine | Authorized GAE applications must be in the same region as the database instance error.


我试图将我的 appID 提供给 Storage>>cloudsql>>Authorized App Engine Applications,但它显示了这个

I tried to give my appID to Storage>>cloudsql>>Authorized App Engine Applications, but it shows me this

授权的 GAE 应用程序必须与数据库位于同一区域实例.

Authorized GAE applications must be in the same region as the database instance.


转到云端 sql 控制台:https://console.developers.google.com/project/<project_id>/sql/instances

Go to the cloud sql console at: https://console.developers.google.com/project/<project_id>/sql/instances

这将显示您的 Cloud Sql 实例列表.列表中有一个区域列,它将告诉您每个实例所在的区域.

This will show your list of Cloud Sql instances. There's a column for region in the list that will tell you what region each instance is in.

我不确定如何验证 appengine 应用的区域,但要进入欧盟,您必须拥有首要帐户.

I'm not sure offhand how to verify the region of an appengine app, but in order to be in EU you'd have to have premier account.
