WAMP 服务器不工作

2022-01-25 00:00:00 wamp localhost php

好的,继续这个问题,其中你们专家向我介绍了 WAMP,它基本上可以在 Windows XP 中执行 PHP环境.

Okay so a continuation from this question, where you experts intro'd me to WAMP, which can basically execute PHP within a Windows XP environment.

现在我已经安装了它,但是托盘图标永远显示黄色,当我在浏览器中访问任何 PHP 页面时,它只会显示 PHP 源代码!

So now I've got it installed, but the tray icon forever shows YELLOW, and when I visit any PHP page in my browser, it just shows me the PHP source!

另外,当我在 IE7 中访问 "http://localhost/" 时,它给了我一个 404 Not找到,FF3 只是显示一个空白页面.

Also, when I visit "http://localhost/" in IE7 it gives me a 404 Not Found, FF3 just shows a blank page.


BTW I've tried "Restart All Services" and restarting my machine, but it still won't work.

有什么想法吗?你们中有人遇到过这个问题并解决了吗?请在这里帮助我,我急于执行 PHP 客户端,我现在只是恢复到服务器上的测试!

Any ideas? Any of you had this problem and solved it? Please help me here, I'm desperate to execute PHP client-side and I'm just reverting to testing on-server for now!


Skype 为其传入的连接保留端口 80,这与 WAMP 冲突,因此只需通过执行以下操作将 Skype 配置为使用另一个端口:

Skype reserves port 80 for its incoming connection which conflicts with WAMP, so simply configure Skype to use another port by doing the following:

在 Skype 中,转到工具|选项|高级|连接取消选中该选项 --> 使用端口 80 和 443 作为传入连接的替代项,就是这样

In Skype go to Tools|Options|Advanced|Connection uncheck the option --> Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections, that's it

要使此更改生效,请执行以下操作重新启动 Skype 并重新启动 WAMP 上的所有服务:

For this change to take effect restart Skype and Restart all services on WAMP by doing the following:

左键单击 WAMP 托盘图标 > 重新启动所有服务"

Left-click WAMP tray icon > Restart All Services"

现在 Wamp 和 Skype 可以共存了,希望这能解决你的问题!!

Now Wamp and Skype can co-exist together, hope this solves your problem!!
