使用 php 包括来自另一台服务器的 php 文件

2022-01-25 00:00:00 file include php

我有两个 PHP 文件位于不同的服务器上,一个位于 http://www.mysite.com/main.php,另一个位于 http://www.sample.com/includeThis.php.

I have two PHP files located on different servers, one at http://www.mysite.com/main.php, the other at http://www.sample.com/includeThis.php.


I want to include the second file from the first one.


The content of the second file looks like this:

$foo = "this is data from file one";


include "http://www.sample.com/includeThis.php";
echo $foo;


Is there any way I can do this?


不,此设置在大多数 Web 服务器 (php.ini) 中默认禁用/不允许,因此您不能使用 include 出于安全原因,包含来自远程地址的文件.

Nope, this setting is disabled/not allowed by default in most web servers (php.ini) so you can not use the include to include the files from a remote addresss for security reasons.

如果您仍想允许包含远程文件,指令 allow_url_include 必须在 php.ini 中设置为 On

If you still want to allow inclusion of remote files, the directive allow_url_include must be set to On in php.ini


But again it is a bad practice, in a security-oriented point of view ; and, so, it is generally disabled (I've never seen it enabled, actually)

如果你想读取远程文件的内容,你可以使用file_get_contents 函数代替 BUT 这将作为纯 HTML 标记代码返回,有不会是任何服务器端代码.

If you want to read the contents of a remote file though, you can use the file_get_contents function instead BUT this will be returned as pure HTML markup code, there won't be any server-side code.
