2022-01-25 00:00:00 webserver installation php phpunit

如果由于某种原因问题很愚蠢,我很抱歉.我不是 phpunit 专家,我的问题听起来很荒谬.

I'm sorry if the question is stupid for some reason. I'm not a phpunit expert and what I'm asking could sound ridiculous.


Is it possible to use phpunit without installation? Just "include" the libraries without installing anything on the server?

我问这个是因为在我的工作场所没有人想尝试一些单元测试或 TDD,但我很确定当我在测试的帮助下进行编程时我可以做得更好,而且我想展示我的事后它有效"的同事,而不仅仅是通过谈话*.

I'm asking this because at my workplace nobody wants to try some unit testing or TDDing but I'm pretty sure that I can do a better work when I program with the help of the tests and besides I want to show my coworkers that "it works" after the fact, not just by talking*.



*Talking already happened and the answer is always something like "We have too much work to do to consider these fancy things". Life seems to be too short to do a good job.


PHPUnit 的 github 存储库自述文件 对此有说明.向下滚动到从 Git Checkout 中使用 PHPUnit,查看可以复制粘贴到 shell 中的命令列表.

The readme on PHPUnit's github repository has instructions for this. Scroll down to Using PHPUnit From a Git Checkout for a list of commands you can copy-n-paste into your shell.


One thing to make clear to your coworkers is that while writing tests in addition to your regular code may seem like more work up front, well-written tests will save you time over the long run as you fix bugs and add features. They also give you the confidence to make more drastic changes as necessary whereas you might normally consider rewriting the project from scratch.
