PHPUnit Mock 以后改期望

2022-01-25 00:00:00 mocking php phpunit

I have a simple use case. I want to have a setUp method which will cause my mock object to return a default value:


But then in some tests, I want to return a different value:


I've used GoogleMock for C++ in the past and it had "returnByDefault" or something to handle that. I couldn't figure out if this is possible in PHPUnit (there is no api documentation and the code is difficult to read through to find what I want).

Now I can't just change $this->myservice to a new mock, because in setup, I pass it into other things that need to be mocked or tested.

My only other solution is that I lose the benefit of the setup and instead have to build up all of my mocks for every test.


You could move the setUp() code into another method, which has parameters. This method gets then called from setUp(), and you may call it also from your test method, but with parameters different to the default ones.
