在命令行向 PHP 单元发送参数

2022-01-25 00:00:00 php phpunit

我想使用命令行向 PHP 单元发送一个参数.

I want to send a parameter to PHP Unit using the command line.


./phpunit --foo='bar' AllTests



The closest I was able to achieve my objective is using the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <env name="foo" value="bar"/>

然后我可以使用 $_ENV['foo'] 访问该变量.

I can then access the variable using $_ENV['foo'].


However, I want to send this variable using the command line.


使用 phpunit.xml 显然是针对常量环境变量,使用它来将更改的参数传递给测试有点开销.

Using phpunit.xml is obviously for constant environmental variables and using it for passing changing parameters to tests is a bit of an overhead.

您可以执行以下操作之一(请参阅向 PHPUnit 传递参数讨论):

What you can do is one of the following (see Passing parameters to PHPUnit for the discussion):

示例: FOO=bar ./phpunit AllTests



Cons: Depends on environment; requires remembering names of the variables (which is not that simple if there are many); no obvious documentation on supported/necessary parameters available.

例子: ./phpunit AllTests bar

优点:微不足道;独立于环境;对 PHPUnit 参数没有限制.

Pros: Trivial; independent from environment; no limitations to PHPUnit parameters.


Cons: Will be a pain if there are more than several arguments, especially if most of them are optional; no obvious documentation for expected arguments.

示例: <代码>.run.sh AllTests bar 其中 run.sh 查看提供的参数并将它们导出到环境中.

Example: . run.sh AllTests bar where run.sh looks at the provided arguments and exports them into the environment.

优点:实施起来或多或少是微不足道的;添加预期参数列表的文档;添加错误处理(例如,如果 bar 是必需参数,但未提供).

Pros: Still more or less trivial to implement; adds documentation of the expected argument list; adds error handling (e.g. in case bar is a required parameter, but is not provided).

缺点: runner 内部的 PHPUnit 参数是硬编码的;取决于环境.

Cons: PHPUnit parameters inside runner are hardcoded; dependent on the environment.

示例: ./phpunit --foo='bar' AllTests


缺点:实施起来并不简单;需要分叉,这使得它强烈依赖于当前 PHPUnit 版本的 CLI.

Cons: Not so trivial to implement; requires forking which makes it strongly dependent on CLI of the current PHPUnit version.

示例: run.sh --foo=bar --coverage-html=baz 其中 run.sh 调用了一些 run.php 依次通过解析器运行命令参数,构建用于运行测试的命令并执行此操作.

Example: run.sh --foo=bar --coverage-html=baz where run.sh calls some run.php which in its turn runs command arguments through parser, builds the command for running tests and does that.


Pros: Now you can do whatever you like and add any parameters you need. You can implement your own logger, you can run tests in multithread etc.

缺点:难以实施;有时需要维护;强烈依赖于 PHPUnit CLI.

Cons: Hard to implement; sometimes needs maintenance; is strongly dependent on PHPUnit CLI.
