Web应用实战使用Redis最佳实践(web redis实战)
In the modern development of the Internet industry, web application can simplify the communication with user, resulting in a better user experience. To provide users with fast, stable web applications with good reaction time, databases and cache are widely used. Redis is a widely used data-structured cache and is widely used in many Internet applications. Today I’d like to share with you best practices in using redis.
Redis can be used to quickly implement a distributed cache architecture and save frequently used data. After understanding the characteristics of Redis and grasping the related use methods, you can properly use Redis to improve the performance of the application.
First, you must choose a Redis library. There are many redis client libraries that can be used in a wide variety of languages to access redis, including official support from languages such as Java, Node.js, Python, and Ruby. Then, use the Redis protocol accurately to manipulate the data stored in redis. Common commands such as ‘get’,’set’,’hmset’,’hget’,’lpush’,’rpush’,’lpop’,’rpop’,’zadd’,’zrem’,’zincrby’ and so on can be used to store, query, update and delete data.
In addition, we should pay attention to the application of Redis data structure. By using the data structure of redis, you can expand the application height efficiently, make your application more powerful and stable. For example, redis provides the Hash type, which can store key-value prs as complex as possible. We can also use the list type of redis to realize real-time message push by means of list operation.
Finally, use redis to configure necessary files, such as configuration files, Redis Connections pool configuration files, etc. And use the Redis cluster mode to realize the clustering of Redis, or use sentinel to enable redis high reliability, so that the application can realize automatic flover.
To sum up, in the development of web applications, we may use Redis for caching, session storage, configuration storage, message push and other purposes. Using Redis library and command, as well as logical data structure, we can improve the performance of web applications, forming a complete solution of using redis at its best.