PHP 致命错误:调用未定义函数 mssql_connect()

2022-01-24 00:00:00 iis-7 php iis sql-server

我以前从未使用过 php,我正在尝试连接到运行 IIS7 和 PHP5.3 的 Windows 机器上的 SQL Server 2008 实例.

我已经从 扩展的一部分.您正在使用 microsoft 的扩展,因此请使用 sqlsrv_connect(),对于 microsoft 驱动程序的 API,请查看 SQLSRV_Help.chm,它应该被提取到您的 ext 提取扩展时的目录.

I've never used php before and am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2008 instance on a Windows machine running IIS7 and PHP5.3.

I have downloaded and installed SQLSRV30.EXE from here in C:Program Files (x86)PHPext added this to C:Program Files (x86)PHPphp.ini:


Then restarted the entire server. I still get fatal errors in my log file saying:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mssql_connect()

What do I need to do to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 from PHP 5.3 running on IIS7/Windows Server 2008? I'm sure it's something really dumb that I'm missing...



PHP Version 5.3.10


Windows NT MWD001 6.1 build 7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 1) i586 

Build Date 

Feb 2 2012 20:10:58 


MSVC9 (Visual C++ 2008) 



Configure Command 

cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--enable-debug-pack" "--disable-zts" "--disable-isapi" "--disable-nsapi" "--without-mssql" "--without-pdo-mssql" "--without-pi3web" "--with-pdo-oci=C:php-sdkoracleinstantclient10sdk,shared" "--with-oci8=C:php-sdkoracleinstantclient10sdk,shared" "--with-oci8-11g=C:php-sdkoracleinstantclient11sdk,shared" "--with-enchant=shared" "--enable-object-out-dir=../obj/" "--enable-com-dotnet" "--with-mcrypt=static" "--disable-static-analyze" 

Server API 


Virtual Directory Support 


Configuration File (php.ini) Path 


Loaded Configuration File 

C:Program Files (x86)PHPphp.ini 


I have just tried to install that extension on my dev server.

First, make sure that the extension is correctly enabled. Your phpinfo() output doesn't seem complete.

If it is indeed installed properly, your phpinfo() should have a section that looks like this:

If you do not get that section in your phpinfo(). Make sure that you are using the right version. There are both non-thread-safe and thread-safe versions of the extension.

Finally, check your extension_dir setting. By default it's this: extension_dir = "ext", for most of the time it works fine, but if it doesn't try: extension_dir = "C:PHPext".


EDIT given new info:

You are using the wrong function. mssql_connect() is part of the Mssql extension. You are using microsoft's extension, so use sqlsrv_connect(), for the API for the microsoft driver, look at SQLSRV_Help.chm which should be extracted to your ext directory when you extracted the extension.
