2022-01-25 00:00:00 iis-7 php

我正在使用带有 IIS 7 的 Windows 7.我正在尝试开始使用 PHP.我执行了以下操作:

I am using Windows 7 with IIS 7. I am trying to get started with PHP. I have performed the following:

  1. 使用 Web 平台安装程序安装 PHP
  2. 通过在我的网站根文件夹内的 PHP 管理器上使用检查 phpinfo()"验证 PHP 已安装(全部在我的本地计算机上)

当我测试 PHP 是否正在处理一个简单的 HTML 页面时,如下所示:

When I test to see if PHP is working with a simple HTML page as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>

echo "My first PHP script!";


Chrome 不渲染任何东西.我期待看到文字.

Chrome does not render anything. I am expecting to see the text.





If this problem ocurrs check:

  • 文件是否有扩展名.php?
  • 服务器上的路径是否正确?

重要的是要记住,我假设您有一个激活了 php 支持的服务器.在服务器上,PHP文件的默认扩展名是.php,但您可以向管理员查询以保证.

Its is important to remember that I am assuming that you have a server with php suport activated. On the server, the default extension to PHP files is .php, but you can check with the administrator to garantee.


You can also check if the error log is enable. When it is disabled, and the code has a syntax error, nothing is showed on the screen. You can read more here:
