在 PHP 中的每三次迭代

2022-01-24 00:00:00 loops iteration php

我想在 PHP 循环的第三次迭代中输出一些特定的 HTML.这是我的代码:

I would like to output some specific HTML on the third iteration of a loop in PHP. Here is my code:

<?php foreach ($imgArray as $row): ?>
   <div class="img_grid"><?= $row ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>


On the third iteration of this loop, Instead of displaying:

<div class="img_grid"><?= $row ?></div>


<div class="img_grid_3"><?= $row ?></div>

如果我的数组循环 8 次,我想以这个结束:

I would like to end up with this if my array looped 8 times:

   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid_3">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid_3">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>
   <div class="img_grid">[some html]</div>



假设 $imgArray 是一个数组而不是关联数组(即它有数字索引),这就是你想要的:

Assuming $imgArray is an array and not an associative array (i.e. it has numeric indices), this is what you want:

<?php foreach($imgArray as $idx => $row): ?>
  <?php if($idx % 3 == 2): ?>
    <div class="img_grid_3"><?php echo $row; ?></div>
  <?php else: ?>
    <div class="img_grid"><?php echo $row; ?></div>
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>


You could tighten it up a bit like this:

<?php foreach($imgArray as $idx => $row):
        if($idx % 3 == 2) {
          $css_class = 'img_grid_3';
        } else {
          $css_class = 'img_grid';
  <div class="<?php echo $css_class; ?>"><?php echo $row; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>

甚至更多(有些人只会在 HTML 中使用三元条件内联),但收益递减法则最终会在可读性方面发挥作用.不过,希望这能给您提供正确的想法.

Or even more (some folks would just go with a ternary conditional inline in the HTML), but the law of diminishing returns kicks in eventually with regard to readability. Hopefully this gives you the right idea, though.
