带有 watchdog_severity_levels() 的复选框

2022-01-23 00:00:00 foreach php drupal drupal-7 watchdog


I have this code that gets me out some checkboxes with the watchdog severities:

   * Checkbox for errors, alerts, e.t.c
  foreach (watchdog_severity_levels() as $severity => $description) {
    $key = 'severity_errors' . $severity;
    $form['severity_errors'][$key] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('@description', array('@description' => drupal_ucfirst($description))),
      '#default_value' => variable_get($key, array()),  
    return system_settings_form($form);

我在代码中将此 $key 设置为:

I set this $key in my code as:

$key = array_filter(variable_get($key,array()));

我认为这个集合是错误的,因为 drupal 让我出错.在这组 $key 之后,我用下面的 foreach 语句调用它,有人可以帮我做这件事吗?

I think this set is wrong as the drupal gets me out error. After that set of $key I call it with the following foreach statement could someone help me with that thing?

foreach ($key as $value) {
  if ($value == 'warning') {
  elseif ($value == 'notice') {


使用您的逻辑,您将存储以下键 severity_errors0severity_errors1severity_errors2, ... 在 variable 表中,因为 foreach 的 $severity 键只是索引.

Using your logic, you would store following keys severity_errors0, severity_errors1, severity_errors2, ... in the variable table because the $severity key of your foreach is just the index.



Here some example code which does the job for you:

// Retrieve store variable
$severity_levels = variable_get('severity_levels', array());

// Declare empty options array
$severity_options = array();

// Loop through each severity level and push to options array for form
foreach (watchdog_severity_levels() as $severity) {
    $severity_options[$severity] = t('@description', array(
        '@description' => drupal_ucfirst($severity),

// Generate checkbox list for given severity levels
$form['severity_levels'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#options' => $severity_options,
    '#default_value' => array_values($severity_levels),

return system_settings_form($form);


Now to retrieve the selected severity levels, you do something like this:

// Retrieve store variable
$severity_levels = variable_get('severity_levels', array());

foreach ($severity_levels as $level => $selected) {
    if (!$selected) {
        // Severity level is not selected

    // Severity level is selected, do your logic here
    // $level
