启用 MongoDB 模块时出错

2022-01-23 00:00:00 mongodb php drupal drupal-7

我正在尝试将 MongoDB 与 drupal 7 站点一起使用.该数据库远程托管在 mongolab.com 上.

I am trying to use MongoDB with drupal 7 site. The database is hosted remotely on mongolab.com.

我已经在我的专用服务器上安装了 MongoDB 驱动程序,它会自动将 extension = "mongo.so" 添加到我的 php.ini 中.

I have installed the MongoDB Driver on my dedicated server and it added extension = "mongo.so" to my php.ini automatically.

现在,当我尝试启用 MongoDB 模块时,它给了我这个错误:

Now, when I try to enable MongoDB module, it gives me this error:

Mongodb 需要安装 PHP MongoDB 扩展.(目前用的mongodb 没找到)

Mongodb requires the PHP MongoDB extension to be installed. (Currently using Mongodb Not found)



1) 在您的 phpinfo() 屏幕中,确保配置文件路径和加载的配置文件与您正在编辑的 PHP 文件匹配.如果不是,则找到正确的 php.ini 并添加 mongo.so 扩展名.

1) In your phpinfo() screen, make sure the Configuration file Path and Loaded Configuration File match the PHP file you are editing. If not, then find the correct php.ini and add the mongo.so extension.

2) 在您的 phpinfo() 屏幕中,查看 extension_dir 值并确认 mongo.so 存在于该目录中.如果没有,找到mongo.so文件,复制到这个目录下.

2) In your phpinfo() screen, look at the extension_dir value and confirm that mongo.so exists in that directory. If not, find the mongo.so file and copy it to this directory.

3) 重新启动您的网络服务器.

3) Restart your web server.

4) 如果仍然无法正常工作,请查看网络服务器 &php 日志以获取有关扩展程序可能无法加载的原因的线索.

4) If it's still not working, take a look at the web server & php logs for clues as to why the extension might not be loading.
