如何使用 Swiftmailer 和 Gmail 设置“FROM"属性?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 email gmail php swiftmailer
require_once 'lib/swift_required.php';
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.gmail.com', 465, 'ssl')
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('HomeWork')
  ->setFrom(array('exampleFROM@gmail.com' => 'NAME'))
  ->setTo(array('exampleTO@gmail.com'=> 'NAME'))
  ->setBody('Test Message Body')


It works but sender is 'username@gmail.com'. How can I specify any other email address in order to send fake email?


Gmail 不允许覆盖 FROM 名称,但您向 gmail 证明您拥有的经过验证的电子邮件地址除外.选择其他电子邮件服务器或转到您的 gmail 设置并将其更改为另一个您可以接收电子邮件的有效电子邮件地址.

Gmail disallows overriding the FROM name except from verfied email addresses that you prove to gmail you own. Either choose a different email server or go to your gmail settings and change it to another valid email address that you can receive email from.
