
2022-01-23 00:00:00 azure azure-web-app-service php

我不熟悉使用 Microsoft Azure.我的应用程序需要在服务器上安装composer,我怎样才能将它安装在App services服务的系统上?应用程序是 PHP 的.

I am new to using Microsoft Azure. My application requires composer to be installed on the server, how can I have it installed on the system of App services service? Application is in PHP.


您可以在应用服务的管理门户中安装 composer 扩展.

You can install composer extension in the manage portal of your App Services.

安装后,您还可以安装 Visual Studio Online 扩展或利用 Kudu 控制台站点来处理或运行您的应用程序的命令.

After installing, you also can install Visual Studio Online extension or leverage Kudu console site to handle or run commands of your Apps.
