Swagger-PHP 用于为 Swagger-UI 生成 JSON 文件
我正在尝试使用 Swagger-PHP 生成 JSON 文件,以便我可以将它与 Swagger-UI 一起用于自动文档.
I am trying to use Swagger-PHP for generating JSON files , so that I can use it with Swagger-UI for auto documentation.
我尝试了链接:- https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php
我还尝试使用 http://zircote.com/swagger-php/installation.html
But my hard luck , I am unable to implement it.
我能够正确安装作曲家.Swagger-PHP 的捆绑包也安装正确.
I am able to install composer correctly. Also the bundle of Swagger-PHP is installed correctly.
But the problem is that I am unable to use/understand the test examples provided by them.
So if anyone has worked it around please help !!
You just put comments aka annotations in your code, model example:
* @SWGModel(
* id="vps",
* required="['type', 'hostname']",
* @SWGProperty(name="hostname", type="string"),
* @SWGProperty(name="label", type="string"),
* @SWGProperty(name="type", type="string", enum="['vps', 'dedicated']")
* )
class HostVps extends Host implements ResourceInterface
// ...
* @SWGResource(
* basePath="http://skyapi.dev",
* resourcePath="/vps",
* @SWGApi(
* path="/vps",
* @SWGOperation(
* method="GET",
* type="array",
* summary="Fetch vps lists",
* nickname="vps/index",
* @SWGParameter(
* name="expand",
* description="Models to expand",
* paramType="query",
* type="string",
* defaultValue="vps,os_template"
* )
* )
* )
* )
class VpsController extends Controller
// ...
php swagger.phar ./your-code-source/ -o ./directory-for-output-files
然后在 Swagger UI 中链接生成的文件.这有帮助吗?
Then link generated files in Swagger UI. Is this help?
顺便说一句,此文档:http://zircote.com/swagger-php/annotations.html 不完整.最好依赖解析器错误,例如:
BTW, this documentation: http://zircote.com/swagger-php/annotations.html is incomplete. It's better to rely on parser errors, example:
php swagger.phar ./skynode-api/api/ -o ./foo
Swagger-PHP 0.9.0
[INFO] Skipping unsupported property: "foo" for @SwaggerAnnotationsProperty, expecting "name", "description", "type", "format", "items", "uniqueItems", "required", "minimum", "maximum", "enum", "defaultValue", "_partialId", "_partials" in HostVps in /home/kane/some-dir/some-file.php on line 3
编辑:Swagger 2.0 有很好的规范 在 GitHub 上
EDIT: Swagger 2.0 has pretty good specification on GitHub
顺便说一句,考虑使用 Swagger Editor 创建 api 规范文件 (json/yaml) 以在 Swagger 中使用用户界面.因为 php 文件中的内联 SWG 文档很难看,而且您在 IDE 中没有自动完成支持.
BTW, consider to use Swagger Editor to create api specification file (json/yaml) to use in Swagger UI. Cause inline SWG documentation in php files is just ugly and you don't have autocomplete support in IDE.