
2022-01-22 00:00:00 web-crawler hover php simple-html-dom


I am crawling one website's data. I am able to whole content on a page. But some data on page comes after hover on some icons and shown as tooltips. So I require that data also. Is it possible with any crawler.

我正在使用 PHP 和 simplehtmldom 来解析/抓取页面.

I am using PHP and simplehtmldom for parsing/ crawling page.



爬虫爬取网页并获取整个数据(HTML 页面源).这是我们只要点击 URL 就可以查看的视图.悬停需要鼠标在页面上的 HTML 属性上移动操作,即手动操作.据我所知,目前没有爬虫执行悬停和获取数据的操作.因此爬虫无法获取悬停数据.

Crawlers crawl the web page and gets whole data ( HTML page source ). It's view which we can view as soon as we hit URL. Hover need mouse moving action over HTML attribute on page i.e manual action. And currently no crawlers do actions for hovering and getting that data as per my knowledge. So this is not possible to get hover data by crawlers.
