mssql 合并多表id组成新表(mssql 合并多表id)

2023-04-21 13:37:20 合并 id MSSQL

MSSQL Merge Tables to Form a New Table

When managing data in MSSQL, sometimes you may need to merge multiple tables according to the same id to form a new table. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Before getting started, it is important to remember that you need the same data type in each table in order to successfully merge them. If your data type is different, you need to perform data conversion before merging.

Step 1: Create the new table

The new table has to be created with the same number of columns as the previous tables. Be sure to specify the same data type for each column so that the data can be merged correctly.

Step 2: Insert rows from other tables

Once the new table has been created, you can start inserting the rows from the other tables one at a time. Make sure that the rows are inserted with the same id to make merging easier.

For example, if you’re merging data from Table1 and Table2, you can use the following query:

INSERT INTONewTable (id, field1, field2)

SELECT, Table1.field1, Table2.field2

FROM Table1


ON =;

This query will insert all the rows from both Table1 and Table2 with the same id.

Step 3: Verify the result

Once you’ve finished inserting the rows, you can verify that the data was merged correctly by running a SELECT query on the new table. This will show you the merged result and make sure that all the data has been merged correctly.


By following the steps in this guide, you can easily merge multiple tables in MSSQL to form a new table. Remember to perform necessary data conversion beforehand if the data type is different between the tables. With this method, you can easily manage your data and be sure that it is all up-to-date.
