CSRF 令牌无效.请尝试重新提交表单

2022-01-22 00:00:00 php symfony twig


I'm getting this error message every time I try to submit the form:

CSRF 令牌无效.请尝试重新提交表单

The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form


My form code is this:

<form novalidate action="{{path('signup_index')}}" method="post" {{form_enctype(form)}} role="form" class="form-horizontal">
    <div class="form-group">
        {{ form_label(form.email, 'Email', {'label_attr': {'class': 'col-md-1 control-label'}}) }}
        {{ form_widget(form.email, {'attr': {'class': 'col-md-2'}}) }}
        {{ form_errors(form.email) }}

    <div class="form-group">
        {{ form_label(form.nickname, 'Nickname', {'label_attr': {'class': 'col-md-1 control-label'}}) }}
        {{ form_widget(form.nickname, {'attr':{'class': 'col-md-2'}}) }}
        {{ form_errors(form.nickname, {'attr': {'class': 'col-md-3'}}) }}
    <div class="form-group">
        {{ form_label(form.password, 'password', {'label_attr': {'class': 'col-md-1 control-label'}}) }}
        {{ form_widget(form.password, {'attr': {'class': 'col-md-2'}}) }}
        {{ form_errors(form.password, {'attr': {'class': 'col-md-3'}}) }}

    <div class="form-group">
        {{ form_label(form.password_repeat, 'Repeat password', {'label_attr': {'class': 'col-md-1 control-label'}}) }}
        {{ form_widget(form.password_repeat, {'attr':{'class': 'col-md-2'}}) }}
        {{ form_errors(form.password_repeat, {'attr': {'class': 'col-md-3'}}) }}
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-md-1 control-label">
        <input type="submit" value="submit">




您需要在表单中添加 _token

You need to add the _token in your form i.e

{{ form_row(form._token) }}

到目前为止,您的表单缺少 CSRF 令牌字段.如果您使用 twig 表单函数来呈现您的表单,例如 form(form) 这将自动为您呈现 CSRF 令牌字段,但您的代码显示您正在使用原始 HTML 呈现您的表单,例如 <form></form>,所以你必须手动渲染字段.

As of now your form is missing the CSRF token field. If you use the twig form functions to render your form like form(form) this will automatically render the CSRF token field for you, but your code shows you are rendering your form with raw HTML like <form></form>, so you have to manually render the field.

或者,只需在表单的结束标记之前添加 {{ form_rest(form) }}.

Or, simply add {{ form_rest(form) }} before the closing tag of the form.



This renders all fields that have not yet been rendered for the given form. It's a good idea to always have this somewhere inside your form as it'll render hidden fields for you and make any fields you forgot to render more obvious (since it'll render the field for you).

form_rest(view, variables)
