如何访问 Twig 中的类常量?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 templates php twig


I have a few class constants in my entity class, e.g.:

class Entity {
    const TYPE_PERSON = 0;
    const TYPE_COMPANY = 1;

在普通的 PHP 中,我经常做 if($var == Entity::TYPE_PERSON),我想在 Twig 中做这种事情.有可能吗?

In normal PHP I often do if($var == Entity::TYPE_PERSON) and I would like to do this kind of stuff in Twig. Is it possible?


{% if var == constant('Namespace\Entity::TYPE_PERSON') %}
{# or #}
{% if var is constant('Namespace\Entity::TYPE_PERSON') %}

请参阅 constant 函数的文档和constant 测试.

See documentation for the constant function and the constant test.
